human rights watch

söndag 8 februari 2015

I have read the terms

I have read the terms
Face recognition
Body Language
Clinical Psychology

Body language is the wordless, conscious or unconscious, the communication that takes place between people. It is said that body language accounts for over half of what we communicate. Some researchers claim that as much as 80% of our communication is done through non-verbal communication. However, it is more reasonable to assume that the figure is somewhere around 50%.
Our body language differs in many ways depending on the cultural and social backgrounds, but who already Darwin showed we have the same way of expressing emotions such as fear, sadness, 

condescension, regret and rage no matter what culture we belong. Many gestures, however cultural markers, as for example when closed fist thumb directed upward in the air. In the West, this gesture usually something positive, to express their approval. In other parts of the world like the Middle East, but also countries like Australia and Greece are perceived thumbs up as an insulting gesture.
Body importance of language in both their careers as everyday life
Many argue that a positive and powerful body language affects our status, our self-esteem and well-being. This is in all probability, but that it could, for example, as the saying goes, require less muscle work for a smile compared to making a sour face does not match. Nor is it possible to prove that a forced smile automatically releases happiness hormones in the body which is claimed by some quarters.
Body language as a subject rose in popularity after Julius Fast's book "Body Language". Julius Fast pointed out that Kennedy notably won an upset victory against Nixon in the US elections in 1960 because of his countenance and body language was more sympathetic and better suited for television debates. This had not played any significant role before television breakthrough, but television as a medium is very personal and penetrates into people's living rooms in a completely different way than other media.
It is also said that those who were there and saw the debates between Fälldin and Palme in the 70s judged Palme with his powerful body language and his sharp rhetoric superior victor compared against Fälldin, who was sweating profusely and was noticeably nervous and almost humiliated in their movements . On the TVs out there in the Swedish welfare state huts living was, however Palme as arrogant and spiteful, and consequently dropped in popularity.
Many researchers want to downplay the importance of body language because it can so easily be over-interpreted. A classic example is when a person crosses his arms. This is often seen as a sign that the person in question for some reason want to shield themselves from the situation, or that he or she is opposed to what is being discussed. However, crossed arms can also simply mean that the person freezes, or experiencing crossed arms in a comfortable position.
The eyes and the sexual body language
Body language says more than 1000 words ...
Body language says more than 1000 words ...
The eyes do not lie, it is said, and the fact is that when we see something we like enlarged pupils. This may then be a marker of sexual interest. For example performed Edinburgh University a study that showed that women who were asked to choose among different photos of men preferred the images of men where their pupils were enlarged.
However, dilated pupils may also have such physiological or medical explanations, so over-interpret it is not if someone has unusually large pupils when they look at you ...
Intense eye contact can mean several different things. If someone is looking intensely at a speaker may well mean that he or she experiences the speaker as talented, but also that he or she does not trust enough on the speaker to drop his gaze. Intense eye contact is also something that is often perceived as a sign of flirting.
Generally perceived those who keep a steady eye contact in a conversation more confident. Therefore, try to practice to keep eye contact as this can be an effective "weapon" during such interviews.
If you are relatively slow first attaches your gaze at someone's eye, then the other, to finally land with an eye on the person's lips this is often perceived as a sign of romantic interest - you want to kiss. Try any of your friends and assess the reaction ...
A form of the clear body language ...
A form of the clear body language ...
Love's body language is also one of the areas that those who study body language devote the most time and energy ... Did you know for example that when the man pointing at his genitals, as when for example he puts his hand in his pocket but let one or two fingers pointing against his crotch perceived as a sexual invitation? Or did you know that the woman is considered to show sexual interest when she tucked her hair and baring their necks? Other signals that suggest that a woman is interested in include that she shows her palms, fix her skirt, and she copies the body language of the person she is interested in.
There is no doubt that it has much to gain if you learn flirting with body language. For example, try to imagine how a caveman - before language was invented - walks up to a partner he or she finds interesting and flirts up him without words. SMS flirting in all its glory, but without the non-verbal sexual communication we had not gone far as a species ...
The words are lying but the body speaks the truth - or does it?
It's like they say, not so much about what you say, but how you say it. Researchers believe that what we say to each other is very little about the actual meaning of words. The intonation and emphasis is more important, and above all, body language, that is how we say it communicates the true meaning. Shake your head while you answer yes to a question and you will make people very confused ...
We listen to examples of how quickly a person speaks, if she or he falters, and we assess their posture, hand and head movements and eye when a man says something in order to assess the credibility of what is being said.
But, how good we really are to expose the lies by reading body language? At Texas University demonstrated a few years ago that people from all over the world, from Africa to Europe, from South America to Asia, believe that liars reveal themselves by turning away his eyes, not knowing where to put their nervous hands while their body language is generally unsettled. This would be a special "lie behavior", however, questioned by researchers in social psychology.
Extensive research has proven fact that those who speak the truth are just as likely to appear nervous or calm, as liars. The reasons why someone such as looking away or moving nervously might as well be that he perceives the situation as difficult or embarrassing. However, there are other signs you should look for to reveal a liar.
It is said that some individuals, such as experienced police officers, lawyers and psychologists are experts at deciphering body language in order to expose the lies.
Modern social psychological research has, however, as mentioned above, pointed out the shortcomings of this view, which in many cases led to false anklaganden and suspects have been pressured to plead guilty to crimes they did not commit. What we think we know about body language, and what science says about the non-verbal communication should therefore take some big pinches of salt as it could otherwise lead to not only embarrassing situations, but also have direct catastrophic consequences.

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