human rights watch

torsdag 5 februari 2015

ISIS executes a Christian priest Paul Jacob in Mosul, was held in captivity for 8 months.

ISIS executes a Christian priest Paul Jacob in Mosul, was held in captivity for 8 months.
ISIS executes a Christian priest Paul Jacob in Mosul, was held in captivity for 8 months.
ISIS executed a priest in Mosul. Paul Jacob was the parson in a church in the east of the Iraqi city and was kidnapped eight months ago. His parish was blown up. Through a public statement, the caliphate announced the execution of the priest; it took place in the Ghazlani Camp in the south of Mosul where there is a militia boot camp.

After the release of the barbaric video showing the execution of the Jordan pilot, here is yet another horrifying story by the men of the black Caliphate. The escalation of shocking events shows that ISIS wants to scare in order to stop the raids of the coalition and the approaching of Iraqi and Kurd forces to Mosul – second biggest Iraqi city conquered by Caliphate militants more than a year ago.

This strategy also aims to the destruction of religious places, not just others’. As it already happened in Mali, Timbuktu, radical Islamists destroyed Shiite mosques and the graves of Islamic honest men. During the past days, ISIS burnt books and ancient texts because they were considered “impure”. A degeneration of the original Islam the fundamentalists inspire to. Indeed, the great Caliphate of the eighth century, granted to Jewish and Christians the possibility to follow their religion, and the Scripture, and the spreading of philosophic and scientific texts, and this was the reason the Islamic State expansion during the first centuries.

Meanwhile, after the dramatic death of the Jordan pilot was confirmed, Amman executed the terrorists kept in its prisons. The King Abdallah proclaimed his revenge. In the past, whoever crossed Jordanian paths – as Arafat and Olp during black September – paid for it. A joint army with Amman and Saudi soldiers may intervene in Iraq.

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