human rights watch

torsdag 22 februari 2018

Turkish regime committed for crimes against humanity in Efrin

Turkish regime committed for crimes against humanity in Efrin
Turkish regime lies to the outside world and says Turkey is fighting against PKK but there is absolutely no PKK in Efrin The Turkish fascist regime's war plan kills Kurdish children and civilians in Efrin, then lying and sprinkling lots of false and false propaganda against the Kurdish people in Efrin and so fools the outside world and says the Turkish regime is fighting pkk, but in principle there is no point in Efrin has never happened that anyone goes from Efrin to Turkey.
Then I want to tell the truth about Turkish plans against the Kurdish people.
The Turkish regime's melancholy and hypocrisy are well-known to Kurdish politicians.
Turkish fascist regime is very afraid so that the Kurds may come close to the Mediterranean because the Turkish mad man Erdogan attacked the Kurdish people in Efrin.
Today, the Turkish regime is collaborating with all terrorist groups in Syria against the Kurdish people, unfortunately when erdogan attacked Efrin and killed Kurdish children and civilians, when the world was silent when the Kurds were forced to collaborate with Assad's regime against those terrorist groups.
Unfortunately, on the other hand, the Iranian dictatorial regime used the silence for its own debts.
Sincerely Samuel

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