human rights watch

måndag 5 mars 2018

KNK: Turkey continues Afrin bloodshed amid UN resolution On the 45th day of attacks by the invading Turkish Army against Afrin, many civilians were killed in Jindirese district.

KNK: Turkey continues Afrin bloodshed amid UN resolution
On the 45th day of attacks by the invading Turkish Army against Afrin, many civilians were killed in Jindirese district.

The invading Turkish army continues to target civilian residential areas in Afrin. In 45 days of attacks, the invading army has killed more than 263 civilians and has committed yet another massacre in the Jindirese district today. Reports say Turkish fighter jet attacks against the district have resulted in the martyrdom of many civilians, and there are reports of many wounded people. But there is no concrete information on the numbers.
UN Security Council to have one-month cease-fire in all Syria, the Turkish army supported by the criminal Islamic terror organizations and gangs have intensified their war against Kurdish Afrin. UN Human Rights organizations, Amnesty International, Syrian and Kurdish humanitarian organizations receiving daily reports from Afrin of civilian deaths and injuries, and restrictions on civilian movement as a result of ongoing Turkish and terrorist Islamic gangs’ military operations.
In a newly released statement, Panos Moumtzis, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, regrets the current situation in Afrin: “I remain deeply concerned for the safety and protection of millions of civilians across Syria, one week after the UN Security Council voted in favor of Resolution 2401, calling for a one-month cessation of hostilities across the war-ravaged country. We continue to receive disturbing reports out of Afrin of civilian deaths and injuries, and restrictions on civilian movement as a result of ongoing Turkish military operations. Those who risk moving continue to be stopped at exit points by local authorities in Afrin, preventing them from accessing safer areas. To date, an estimated 5,000 people have reached surrounding villages and Aleppo city, while tens of thousands more are now believed to be displaced within Afrin”.
According to the Center for Strategic Studies in Rojava (NRLS), officials in Afrin Canton and the Kurdish Red Moon“Since the beginning of the attacks on Afrin, the schools of the region have been under constant fire from the Turkish army and its Islamic-gang militias”. According to estimates, around 50,000 children are deprived of their right to education, because of the attacks on Afrin…. Among the bombed schools is a school in the Rajo district, which was founded with funding from the United Nations Children`s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)”.
"If Afrin is invaded by Turkish army supported by Islamic-terror gangs, Erdogan will settle the terror groups in Kurdish region.This is an attempt to form another ISIS.  This is an attempt to revive ISIS. Despite all international agreements and law, there is a state terror here. They attacked Afrin with warplanes, tanks, artillery and heavy weapons together with Al Nusra, Al Qaeda and ISIS gangs. What ISIS did to this country, Erdogan does the same in Afrin. It’s more dangerous than ISIS terror. Warplanes are used against civilians 24 hours a day. What are we going to say if we don’t call this terror?”, said co-chair of Movement for a Democratic Society Asya Abdullah in a recent interview with the ANF.
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) issued the following call as the Turkish state’s barbaric attacks against Afrin get even more violent, claiming the lives of more civilians every day.
- We call upon the United Nations Security Council to stand strong in defense of Resolution 2401, and not to let the Turkish regime evade responsibility for its actions in the region of Afrin, Syria.
- We emphasize the need for the international community to enforce the UNSC cease-fire and to ensure the delivery of humanitarian and medical aid to those in desperate need, both in Afrin and in Ghouta.
- We highlight the need for the implementation of a No-Fly-Zone over the Afrin region in order to preserve civilian lives and residences, civil infrastructure, and significant monuments and cultural artifacts. We also invite the international community to aid the enforcement of this No-Fly-Zone with peacekeeping troops or observer delegations.
- We reaffirm our commitment to upholding the values of freedom, democracy, equality, and justice for all, as well as our dedication to the eradication of extremism alongside the Global Coalition Against Daesh.

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