human rights watch

torsdag 1 mars 2018

SDF calls on UN to stop Turkish invasion, abide to UN Security Council resolution

SDF calls on UN to stop Turkish invasion, abide to UN Security Council resolution.

he Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) on Thursday called on the UN to stop the Turkish invasion and to demand Turkey to follow the UN Security Council resolution that includes Afrin in its 30-days ceasefire. 
“The UN Security Council unanimously adopted its resolution 2401 at its meeting on Saturday, February 24th, 2018, on the basis of a draft submitted by the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Sweden, which explicitly provided for the cessation of all combat operations by all parties on all Syrian territory for at least one month,” SDF spokesperson Kino Gabriel said. 
“The Turkish state and its allied extremist factions strike the international will and UN Security Council resolution, they are brutally continuing their aggression by directly bombing the civilian populated city of Afrin and its towns and villages, and bombarding vital facilities, including drinking water stations and pumps,” he added. 
The SDF in an earlier statement said that Afrin welcomed the UN Security Council resolution and declared its full commitment, adding they would only act in self-defence. 
“We call upon the UN Security Council to abide its decision, take its responsibility and apply a monitoring mechanism for the violations of the Turkish state and its allied extremist factions and force them to stop their invasion and subject them to the UN Security Council resolution,” Kino said. 
“The claims made by the Turkish state that Afrin is not included by the international resolution is only an attempt to turn the truth that Afrin is part of the Syrian territory. This clearly reveals the Turkish ambitions to cut off parts of the Syrian territory in a colonial operation under fake claims and futile pretext,” he concluded. 
So far, France, Germany, and also the United States made it clear that Afrin is part of the UNSC resolution that demands a 30-days cessation of hostilities in Syria. 
“The district – yes, if you look at a map, it is certainly within Syria, yes,” Heather Nauert, US State Department spokesperson said. 
“I would encourage Turkey to go back and read this resolution, the unanimously agreed upon a resolution on Saturday,” she said. 

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