human rights watch

måndag 9 april 2018

Aerial attack against the regime in Syria:Moscow points to Israel An aerial attack was carried out in the morning hours against a military base in Syria. At least 14 fighters including Iranian nationals have been reported dead.

Aerial attack against the regime in Syria:Moscow points to Israel
An aerial attack was carried out in the morning hours against a military base in Syria. At least 14 fighters including Iranian nationals have been reported dead.

An aerial attack was carried out in the morning hours against a military base in Syria. At least 14 fighters including Iranian nationals have been reported dead.
The chemical attack in Syria is a horror that cannot be tolerated by responsible nations. The U.S. must continue to lead an international effort to hold the Assad regime and Russia accountable for their actions.
The T-4 military airport was targeted in the attack. In the attack against the base, also called Tiyas, at least 14 fighters were killed including Iranian nationals according to the Human Rights Watch Syria. Russia is pointing to the Israeli army for the attack.

Human Rights Watch Syria has stated that there are Russian, Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces stationed in the base located between Homs and Palmyra.

In the first few hours after the attack, the perpetrator of the attack is not clear yet. The US and France have issued statements and announced it wasn’t their forces.

In previous statements during the last few weeks, the US and France had threatened to strike the regime in case of chemical attacks.
There have been allegations of chemical use in an attack on Saturday in Duma near Damascus. US President Donald Trump had called Assad an “animal” in the aftermath of the attack that killed dozens of people. The Assad administration rejected the allegations of chemical weapons use, while Russia and Iran pointed to a conspiracy.

The Russian army issued a statement and pointed out that the attack had been carried out by Israeli jets. The Defense Ministry statement published on Russian news agencies said, “Between 03:25 and 03:53 Moscow time, two Israeli F-15 jets hit the airbase from Lebanese territory, without entering Syrian airspace, with 8 guided missiles.

Israel has carried out several attacks against bases where the Syrian regime and their allies are stationed in recent months.

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