human rights watch

söndag 1 april 2018

Yezidi genocide by Turkish mercenaries in Afrin

Yezidi genocide by Turkish mercenaries in Afrin
Sources in Afrin canton confirmed that the Turkish occupation mercenaries have begun campaigns of ethnic and religious genocide against the Yezidi Kurds in Afrin, impose Islamic religion on them and the covers of their women, and destroyed demolition of their religious symbols.

NEWS DESK- The sources, who preferred not to mention their names so as not to endanger their lives by Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, that the mercenary groups belonging to Turkey, which occupied Afrin began campaigns against the Yezidi Kurds in Afrin canton by roaming the villages inhabited by Yezidi and destroyed their shrines and symbols and gathering the people in the squares, asking them what they called "repentance for infidelity" and the entry of Islam and going to mosques to pray, while forcing women to wear the cover and veil and as they do in the areas which they were occupied.
The sources pointed out that the mercenaries threatened anyone who does not enter Islam or does not adhere to their teachings will carry out the right of "retribution" and murder and take their money spoils and women captivity.
It is noteworthy that what these mercenary groups of Turkey have done against the Yezidi people in Afrin recalls the atrocities committed by mercenaries in 2014 in Iraqi Sengal, where they committed massacres against the Yezidi people and destroyed all their religious sites and symbols, and killed men and kidnapped women and took them and opened the markets " In al-Raqqa and al-Mosul for the sale of Yezidi women, where the fate of thousands of Yezidi women and children kidnapped by ISIS is still pending.
It is known that there are many villages in Afrin canton inhabited by thousands of Yezidi Kurds and among these villages inhabited by Yezidi: "Basofan - Fakera- Ali Qena - Qastal Jendo - Qibar - Ghazawi - Burj Abdalo - Qutma - Ain Dara - Trenda - Sinka - Kafr Zeit - Iska - Shadir - Kimar - Jagla – eastern Ashka - Baie - Qejoma - Qila – Janders city.
Yezidis agreed that, throughout history, Ottomans committed 72 campaigns of genocide against them, where Ottomans issued fatwas sanctify the killing of Yezidi on the grounds that they worship Satan in an attempt to distort their religion and legitimize the killings and genocide they committed against them. The same thing was done by IS mercenaries in Sengal, and today Turkey's mercenaries, on orders from Turkish government, plan to commit a new genocide against Afrin Yezidi Today.

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