human rights watch

lördag 8 september 2018

Asayish statement on clashes in Qamishlo

Asayish statement on clashes in Qamishlo
Northern Syria Domestic Security Forces (Asayish) General Command announced that 11 regime soldiers diedi n the clashes with regime forces in Qamishlo. The statement said, “7 of our members were martyred in the clashes and one other member was wounded.”

Asayish General Command issued a written statement on the clashes and said: “A 3-vehicle patrol of the Syrian regime forces entered an area where our forces are positioned in Qamishlo and detained several civilians.”
“When the soldiers in the regime patrol crossed our spot, our forces opened fire with light and medium weapons,” said the statement and added that the asayish forces were responding to the attack.
Asayish General Command said, “11 regime members were killed and 2 were wounded. 7 of our members were martyred in the clashes and one other member was wounded.”
The statement concluded:
“As Northern Syrian Domestic Security Forces, we promise our martyrs and our people that we will defend the gains of the revolution and our people. Wherever they may come from, we will resist any and all attacks and groups who target our gains, creates chaos or disrupts peace.”

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