human rights watch

tisdag 4 september 2018

Breaking news Reports indicate that the authorities schedualed to execute RaminHosseinPanahi on Wednesday morning along with 7 other prisoners who have been taken to solitary confinement.

Breaking news
Reports indicate that the authorities schedualed to execute RaminHosseinPanahi on Wednesday morning along with 7 other prisoners who have been taken to solitary confinement. They include: Ramin Hossein Panahi’s brother just said to me:”Ramin is in danger of imminent execution! Prison authorities let my parents to see him & that may be the last visit, every thing is unclear but we are sure regime use all its efforts to execute Ramin before Muharram month!
Speaking after a visit with her son Ramin Hossein Panahi Dayeh Sharifeh expresses concern about his fragile health on the 10th day of hunger strike Reports indicate that Iran's regime intends to execute the Kurdish activist early Wednesday morning local time

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