human rights watch

lördag 8 september 2018

We condemn illegal executions against Ramin Hossein Panahi, Zanyar Moradi and Luqman Moradi.

We condemn illegal executions against Ramin Hossein Panahi, Zanyar Moradi and Luqman Moradi.
The Iranian Islamic Fascist and Barbarian regime has committed crimes against humanity, but what the Iranian regime has done is a violation of international humanity.
The Iranian regime of what has done today against three Kurdish youths means that Iranian Islamic fascism proved to the outside world that they want to make genocide against the Kurdish people.
I share my sorrows with Zanyar, Luqman and
Ramin hossein panahis family
Sincerely, Samuel Kermashani

We condemn the execution of the 3 Kurdish political prisoners, Zanyar Moradi Loghman Moradi and Ramin Hossein Panahi, and condemn this abusive and inhumane act as a crime against humanity.
I convey my condolences to the frightening family of these three young people and I strongly sympathize with my nationality, and promise you that it will not be too late for the heads of this criminal regime to be created, that they should return that day to the day of their resignation, To be
The religious fascist regime, with the execution of these three young Kurds, was revealed to the international community as a dirty Islamist fascist system that violated all human and human rights laws.
The clerical regime and the leaders of this regime, having come to Vladimir Putin and Erdogan, came to Tehran, and because they did not respect any international law, they executed three Kurdish prisoners and, on the other hand, And the fear and fear among the Iranian people was executed by an anti-human and anti-human order, the Iranian Shiite ISIL bloodthirsty hijackers.
Despite the demands of the international community to stop the execution of the three prisoners, the terrorist thieves and renegade leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps carried out the illegal arrest, killing three Kurdish young people in the murder of Iranian insidious insanity.
Thanks to Samuel Cramshani, 2018.09.08

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