What is the meaning of consensual sex?
Consensual sex is a personal matter and no one has
the right to interfere with personal needs.
What is the meaning of consensual sex?
Consensual sex is a personal matter and no one has
the right to interfere with personal needs.
In this group, you can see the best of people, and right now, you can see the worst of people. Unfortunately, most of the malicious and spiteful people are of foreign origin, such as Arab speakers from North Africa, Egypt, and other countries.
We are against any kind of war and we are not saying that Russia did a good job by attacking Ukraine. But the main reason for the war in Ukraine was the European countries because they incited the Ukrainian president against Russia and caused the war.
How can limbic system therapy help resolve trauma?
Instead of focusing on understanding and reasoning, limbic system therapy targets the automatic reactions, dispositions, and interpretations shaped by trauma. By rewiring these automatic perceptions through deep experiential encounters, the brain can be transformed.
We will soon expose the main conspiracy that caused the war in Ukraine and it is a #European country that provoked the ignorant president of #Ukraine against Russia and caused the war.
There is enough evidence and soon expect more information about the country that caused the war and bloodshed in Ukraine
According to an intelligence investigation, the cause of the war in Ukraine was European countries.
And the President of Ukraine is a mercenary of European countries and never thinks about the health of the Ukrainian people.
Sweden or the Swedish racist government is abusing NATO's name and rules.
The President of Ukraine is the biggest enemy of the #Ukrainian people.
If the President of Ukraine was a politician and was on his own feet and an independent person, the war in Ukraine would never have started.
Humanitarian worker Pakhshan Azizi is at imminent risk of execution.
She was convicted of ‘armed rebellion’ for her peaceful humanitarian and human rights activities, including assisting displaced women and children in north-east Syria. The Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced her to death following a grossly unfair trial. The Supreme Court has upheld her sentence, and her lawyer says she could be executed at any moment. '
The President of Ukraine is not a friend of the Ukrainian people.
He is a businessman who has become a billionaire with the blood of the Ukrainian people. The President of Ukraine considers the war a blessing for himself to keep the presidency.
Minister in the Middle East and Africa.
Human morality and human
conscience, along with human creativity and human intelligence, are important
Yesterday a friend told me
something that actually made me laugh, which is why I thought I'd write this
1 . My post today is
about the personality act and human ethics.
Regarding equality between men and women, Uncle Trump announced that in his government, men and women should serve side by side and equally, and said that we will have men and women equally in the government.
Today I want to share my thoughts about the murder of Salwan Momica.
Salwan mumica was used for a while then was killed to show that Sweden does not have hatred for Muslims anymore Salwan Momica was killed with a silencer gun. If you have enemies, they can easily kill you here.
What is an example of a developmental trauma Disorder?
1 Examples of developmental trauma disorder include
the behavior of the social humiliation department in Sweden and some European
countries, who brutally break into people's homes and forcibly take the child
Congratulations dear Farshad you are the best thank you my brother
you won I was very happy about your win
Your work was wonderful and your strength was also wonderful
Today Uncle Trump takes over the presidency I am happy about that gentleman and Biden will say bye bye.
We know there will be good changes many drug mafia in Europe are afraid of Mr. Trump's post
A total of 150 million euros has been allocated until the end of 2020, which means that the money has been set aside in the EU's long-term budget. The support can be seen as part of the nuclear energy agreement between the EU, the US and Iran. Iranian students also participate in the Erasmus Mundo program, which is part of the Erasmus plus program.
Sweden pays billions of kronor to Hamas every year and Hamas uses Swedish money to buy weapons and attack Israeli people.