human rights watch

torsdag 8 november 2018

Rafiq Baban We know you are working with Barzani the Kurdish greatest traitor, you pkk have not done 1% of what Barzani has done Barzani can sell you when needed, I'm not busy but I have worked at a center in Israel that is about Kurdish movement in the East.

Rafiq Baban We know you are working with Barzani the Kurdish greatest traitor, you pkk have not done 1% of what Barzani has done Barzani can sell you when needed, I'm not busy but I have worked at a center in Israel that is about Kurdish movement in the East.

 PKK is a single Kurdish political party who has not helped Kurdish enemies and occupation countries to occupy Kurdistan, but PdK Masoud Barzani has been working with the Iranian regime for several years called (qayadeh Mawaqat) Temporary Iranian Armed Forces and collaborated with the Iranian regime's revolution guards against Iranian Kurdish movement between 1980 and 1989, Barzani again in 1990 the Iraqi people tried to overthrow the Saddam regime after the Persian Week's war when the Kurdish people themselves threw out Saddam's forces in the Kurdistan when Pdk and Puk came took power since they did not agree when they started the war against each other in 1992 because there were problems between barzani party o ch talabanis party on control of ibrahim khalils customs then puk and pdk them warred against each other then until 1996.08.31 barzani picked up Saddam's forces and Talabani picked up Iranian Revolution Guard Barzani using Saddam could control Erbil hawler. barzani and talabani those two Kurdish worst betrothed political party together killed more than 20000 Kurds injured more than 55000 people, those two party together psychologically injured more than 120000 people. after 1996 when Talabani, using the Iranian Revolution Guards, attacked Barzani again and threw out of Sulimanye. when Masoud Barzani brought Turkish military to Kurdistan and started the war against PKK without having any problems with Barzani Right now all places under Barzani's control are Turkish military troops, if anyone wants a proof there is video and lots of strong evidence.
After Madeleine Albright called Barzani and Talabani to Wahsington to get peace between them two Kurdish worst and worst traitors when Barzani and Talabani were forced in 1998 to stop fighting against each other and sharing the posts in Kurdistan Puk, Iraqi President took place and pdk Barzani took Kurdish the region's boss.
 until isis the Islamic brutal terrorist group came then masoud Barzani had good relations with turkey and erdogan demanded Barzani 2014 to leave Shengal to Isis Massoud Barzani called his Peshmerga home from Shengal when he sold Yazidi to Isis, the terrorist group killed and wounded Yazidi women Islamic fascists took more than 55,000 Yazidi girls and women brought them sold the girls to Arab Shekher, Isis Totalr Destroyed Yazidi Houses and homes killed more than 33,000 people children and the old in Shengal and Sanjar. when PK sent his guerrilla to defend Yazidi they could stop Isis to come and take Shengal's mountains, if there were no pisces could go on and take more places many Yazidi family fled to Shengals Mountain to protect themselves
if PKK would not send his strengths to Kirkuk when Isis could take control of Kirkuk.
 2016 peshmerga with pkk forces and ypg together with US warfare, Shengal was liberated from Islamic Fascist terrorist group, the day after liberation of Shengal Masoud Barzani with a television speech lied to the Kurdish nation there is video and evidence. masoud barzani makes a lot of wrong things organized a traitor group called enkese party they collaborate with the occupation of the gangs against courier just like barzani.
usa has demanded barzani to leave his post but masoud Barzani did not want to listen to usa claims, masror Barzani is a psychopath called american president Mr. Trump as mental illness but masror Barzani has forgotten he did not have the knowledge then violated Mr. President.
masoud barzani talked about making a referendum for the independence of the Kurdistan without obtaining a good and strong defense without obtaining good diplomatic acts with them the world's greatest power, masoud Barzani made referendum on 2017.09.25 when he and his supporters said we listen not on someone we are strong we want our own country when the Iraqi regime with Iranian religious Islamic fascists and turkey were against the Kurdistan referendum, when the 2017.10.16 Iraqi military with Iranian terrorist group leader qasem Sulimani took Kirkuk only after an hour the war started Barzani left the Shengal Maxmor and many areas when Iraqi military were about to take control of the whole Kurdistan when French men and German responded and helped the Kurds against Iran and Iraq, otherwise the Iraqi Terror group hashd al Shaabi could today dance in Barzani's house. today, many people know that the American President Mr. Trump is the world's best president for reducing unemployment has made jobs for many Americans seeing how he works today ...

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