human rights watch

fredag 2 november 2018

YPJ fighters: We are ready to defend our people against attacks YPJ fighters said they will resist Turkish army attacks and defend the people to the end, and that they won’t let the Turkish state pit the peoples of the region against each other.

YPJ fighters: We are ready to defend our people against attacks YPJ fighters said they will resist Turkish army attacks and defend the people to the end, and that they won’t let the Turkish state pit the peoples of the region against each other.

The invading Turkish army has increased its attacks against the Kobanê and Girê Spî cantons. SDF fighters retaliate the attacks and have destroyed a military vehicle.
YPJ fighters spoke about the attacks and said they are ready to resist the invading Turkish state’s attacks against Northern and Eastern Syrian territory.
YPJ fighter Têkoşîn Kobanê said: “We are ready to resist the Turkish invasion attacks targeting security and peace in the region. We will defend our people. We take our strength from our people. Turkey’s attacks against Syrian territory are unethical. This is apparent in the pillaging, forced migration and murders against civilians in Afrin.”
YPJ fighter Çiçek Minbic said Turkish invasion attacks can’t pit the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria against each other: “We won’t allow the Turkish state attacks against our people. We will resist until the last drop of our blood.”
YPJ fighter Şîraz Minbic said Turkey aims to drive the region into ruin with the invasion attacks, and to change the demographic makeup like in Jarablus, Idlib and Afrin: “As YPJ fighters, we don’t accept the invasion of our lands. We will defend our people with all our strength and all we have, and we will resist.”

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