human rights watch

onsdag 19 december 2018

A Kurdish Civilian Transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison to Serve his Sentence

A Kurdish Civilian Transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison to Serve his Sentence.

Matin Khaledi, a Kurdish civilian and a resident of Orumiyeh, was transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison to serve his one-year imprisonment on December 16, 2018. He had been arrested during the protests last year and later released on bail.
Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that Matin Khaledi was summoned to the Enforcement Office of Orumiyeh Revolutionary Court on Sunday, Dec 16 and subsequently transferred to the Orumiyeh Central Prison to endure his one-year sentence.
The above-mentioned civilian and four other civilians including Amin Zendeh Del, Monireh Soltanzadeh, Safar Ordokhani and Nasser Hasani were arrested by security forces during the protests on December 16. The trial of these five citizens was held at Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh on February 17, 2018 chaired by Judge Reza Najafzadeh. They were all temporarily released on bail.
According to the decrees, Matin Khaledi and Amin Ali Zand were both sentenced to five years of imprisonment on charges of acting against national security in addition to one year of imprisonment due to propaganda against the state while Nasser Hosni and Safar Ordoukhani were both sentenced to one year of imprisonment on charges of propaganda against the state. Furthermore, Monireh Soltanzadeh was sentenced to six months in prison on charges of propaganda against the state.
Upon contesting the verdict, the case was referred to Branch 1 of Court of Appeals which acquitted Safar Ordoukhani and Monireh Soltanzadeh of the charges while reducing the sentence of Matin Khaledi and Amin Zendeh Del to one year in prison. Nasser Hasani’s sentence was also reduced to two months.
Matin Khaledi is currently enduring his prison sentence at ward 13 and Amin Zendeh Del, detained 40 days ago for enforcement of his sentence, is serving his prison sentence at psychotherapy ward.
It is noteworthy that more than 15 civilians were arrested and transferred to the ministry of intelligence detention centre in Orumiyeh in December 2017 during the protest rally in Orumiyeh. A number of these civilians were released later on bail after two weeks of interrogation.

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