human rights watch

torsdag 6 december 2018

Aydar at EP: Kurdish movement is the most appropriate alternative KNK Executive Council Member Zubeyir Aydar spoke at the European Parliament conference on Kurds and said that the Kurdish Liberation Movement is always ready to sit at the negotiation table.

Aydar at EP: Kurdish movement is the most appropriate alternative KNK Executive Council Member Zubeyir Aydar spoke at the European Parliament conference on Kurds and said that the Kurdish Liberation Movement is always ready to sit at the negotiation table.

Speaking at the Conference 'The EU, Turkey and the Kurds', Zubeyir Aydar, Executive Council Member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), recalled that "the main theme of the 15th conference is the emergence of the Kurds in the Middle East whose situations have changed as a stabilizing factor in overcoming the problems of the Middle East."
In his speech Aydar focused more on the answers to "the questions as how do the Kurdish side see the current situation, what position they adopt, what is happening, what do they suggest."
He reminded that "the Middle East solution to the winners of the First World War (England and France); was a nation-state model, where the realities of the region were not taken into account. The borders were drawn in favor of the victors, and with divide and rule policy their affiliated governments were in power. This model began to create problems from the beginning. It still continues to create problems. In addition to many problems, this model has left the Israel - Palestine and Kurdish problem unresolved.  For a hundred years a suitable solution for both problems has not been found. Both problems concern the entire region and also seriously affect the international arena."
The status quo established by the Western states after the First World War, said Aydar "was always problematic from beginning to end. The established status did not respond to the demands of the people of the region and on contrary it created problems around the world. In Iran it also created an uniterian and totalitarian Islamic regime that confronts the world system and deepens the problems around. In Iraq it prepared the ground for Baath regime and a dictator such as Saddam. Indeed, in Syria it created the Assad and Baath regime, which led to the emergence of the present chaos.  In Turkey which was put forward as an example or model country for many years, it created  Erdogan’s uniterian and repressive regime. These are the leading countries of the region. The problem producing capacities of other countries in the region are not less than those mentioned."
This model not only created problematic regimes in the region, but also created numerous problematic organizations, underlined Aydar adding: "Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Al-Nusra, ISIS and many more Salafi organizations are the products of this process. If al-Qaeda was able to form a major international terrorist network, if ISIS could take over most of the Iraqi and Syrian territory in a short period of time, if such Salafist organizations are still able to go javelin in the regional countries. If these organizations are still able to carry out attacks in important centres of the world, then this is the result the system established in the region after the World War I, which left the problems unsolved."
But Western powers always continued their interventions on the region, Aydar pointed out. "First it was England, and after the Second World War the Unites States took the leading role. The US's interventions in 1990’s and beyond were very comprehensive. In Iraq and Afghanistan, governments were changed by military interventions. They announced a project called the Great Middle East Project. On the basis of this project, the region as a whole was going to both change and democratic gains would take place. The United States is still intervening in all aspects of the region. However, these interventions are far from creating solutions."
The Kurds, said Aydar, "suffered the most from the status quo that was established after the First World War. Kurdistan was divided into four against the will of the Kurdish people."
Aydar added: "In terms of foreign powers intervening in the region, the Kurdish fear of the countries in the region was a very useful factor. In fact, they used this card very well. As a matter of fact they were the ones that primarily left this problem unsolved. To scare these countries, to make them accept their policies to force them to make concessions. As a result of this policy, the Kurds had to be supported from time to time."
Is this policy still not implemented?, asked Aydar. The answer is, yes. "But Kurds are no longer the old Kurds. In addition, the problems in the region have grown so much that they are forcing the entire world."
When it comes to who is proposing what or who is doing what to solve these grave problems, Aydar said: "Turkey is an important power in the region and is a member of NATO. In its domestic politics it is authoritarian and repressive and in its foreign policy it is pursuing and expansionist policy line in the line of Muslim Brotherhood, which bases its policy on Sunni Islam. The consequences of this line in the region is clear, especially in Syria, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, and it is far from creating solutions. Iran does not tolerate even the slightest opposition in its domestic politics, but it pursues hegemony in its foreign policy based on the Shiite sect. When we look at the practice in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Yemen in short, it becomes clear what these policies cause. The Sunni bloc led by Saudi Arabia has no other approach than maintaining the current status quo."
The Kurdish movement practice in Rojava and Northern Syria is in front of the eye and it is instructive, said Aydar, adding: "It is the best tangible practice that can be taken and exemplified in the establishment of the new Syria."
Against the brutal attacks of ISIS and similar forces, the Kurdish movement is not only a military alternative, added Aydar but "is the most appropriate alternative with its ideological, political, social and administrative approaches. Now in the construction of the new Syria and in the political process this is the most important aspect to be seen. Particularly the US and European powers should stand out by recognizing this aspect."
Aydar then pointed out "the decision of the European Court of Justice on November 15, 2018, showed how created terror list was unfair and unlawful."
On the other hand, the US administration, on November 6, 2018, awarded a prize for the arrest or murder of three prominent names of the Kurdish Liberation Movement, Mr Cemil Bayık, Mr Murat Karayılan and Mr Duran Kalkan. "We consider this decision as unlawful, immoral, hypocritical and hostile. - said Aydar - These friends have not harmed the American state, nor any Americans."
In the end, said Aydar "both the terrorism list and such unfair practices are decisions that are taken to balance and please Turkey. With such decisions, you cannot balance the Kurds and the Turks. You cannot please Turkey enough and you push the Kurds. Turkey's demands are endless. Erdogan will ask more to eliminate all the Kurdish people’s entire gains and achievements. This means war and instability for the region. Western powers, especially the US and the EU, should abandon the policy of “Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds” if they want to do the right job."
Aydar ended his speech by reminding that "the most accurate and beneficial work that these forces should do is to bring the Kurds together with the Turks around the peace and negotiation table. Such a situation will satisfy the majority and will enjoy the good of everyone. A just, fair and appropriate status for Kurds in the Middle East will make a great contribution to the peace and stability of the region, as it is in everyone's interest. I would like to state that as Kurdistan Freedom Movement we are ready to work with you and listen to your opinions and suggestions."
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