human rights watch

lördag 8 december 2018

fascist anti semitism with Iranian regime supporters in Sweden today in the morning attacked my facebook account they thought that their posts as I make up the breach of their laws and rules it is quite racist that we do so we are accompanied by freedom of speech.

fascist anti semitism with Iranian regime supporters in Sweden today in the morning attacked my facebook account they thought that their posts as I make up the breach of their laws and rules it is quite racist that we do so we are accompanied by freedom of speech.
You regretted my page
  there is very much the truth that racists and anti Semitic people have done to me before the year through the employment service as I met four people several of them are drug addicts.

in swedish
fascister anti semitismen med iranska regimens anhängare i Sverige idag på morgonen attackerade mitt facebook konto dem tyckte att dem inlägg som jag lag upp brytet mot deras lag och regler det är helt rasistiska att man göra så vi följer med yttrandefrihet.
Dem beklagade min sidan
 som finns väldigt mycket sanningen som rasisterna och anti semitiska folk har gjort mot mig före året via arbetsförmedlingen som jag träffade fyra personer flera av dem är drogmissbrukare

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