human rights watch

tisdag 18 december 2018

Kurdistan's political party and betrayal

Kurdistan's political party and betrayal
kurdis political and traitor

I had good contacts with Mr. Barzani's party they said the same as I'm writing here Barzani paid a lot of money to my cousin in Israel to propagate good things about Barzani ,, We have two different people in Kurdistan Some do not know what traitors are some know but do not want to leave their parents' jobs .. another part become Dervish like They are addicted to someone and close their eyes to sabotage and sacrifice to him. Because in Kurdistan education there is nothing about traitors you have to teach people who cooperate with enemies are disgusting people they are not worth them are less than animals .. we have different Kurdish political parties in Kurdistan good or bad one should have one Limit to what you say and what you think what you are writing here Turkish out say the same thing you sometimes think it was Barzani who freed the Kurdistan no it was Mr. Bush who freed the Kurdistan did not puke they were in Karaj and chased and killing flies for ayatollahs in tehran .. puk pch pdk they have a story full of treason and massive cooperation with the enemy of the Kurdish nation ... we need to have good education for kurdish youth so that treason is disgusting and sick, turquoise can never become a kurdish friend, Iranian regime can never become Kurdish friend, Syrian regime can never become Kurdish friend, Iraqi same, Barzani everyone saw 1996.08.31 what he has done to his nation, take Labani did the same Barzani using Saddam's military Talabani with the Iranian regime's Revolution Guards what difference between them betrayal? Right now Barzani handed a lot of Kurdish political to erdogan all foreign people who went to Kurdistan to help Kurds against Isis when they would go back to their homeland Barzani then handed them over to Turkish intelligence service. It is a great betrayal of the Kurdish nation. under the control of Barzani there are more than 35 Turkish military bases what will you say about it? Barzani made referendums without any military and political strategy since Barzani and Talabani forces could not defend the Kurdish people in Kirkuk the Kurdish strategic and important city .. after 4 hours they took everything .. hashd al Shaabi A small terror group laughed at Barzani's statement .. but Afrin was ringing of turkey they could fight for 66 days against one of NATO's second strong military with modern weapons ,, even Turkey received support from Azerbaijan against Kurds in Afrin Azerbaijan sent more than 40 thousand soldiers to Afrin plus those Syrian Islamists Isis al nusrah and many other terrorist groups against Kurds in Afrin for 66 days ..

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