human rights watch

fredag 21 december 2018

There are strong disturbances among the Kurds if the US were to withdraw their military from Syria. Today the Kurdish people are under the Turkish fascist's threat

There are strong disturbances among the Kurds if the US were to withdraw their military from Syria. Today the Kurdish people are under the Turkish fascist's threat.

Salih Muslim:
“We didn’t call them, and we’re not sending them away. They weren’t here to protect us in any case.”
“Erdogan keeps saying they will attack. They may. We won’t beg anyone not to attack us, or beg to be protected. We are here, we can handle our own defense. We are resolved for a total resistance. We rely on our people and our own defense system. Everybody will fulfill their duty.”

PYD (Democratic Union Party) Diplomatic Relations Co-chair Salih Muslim said the US deciding to withdraw troops from Syria before the previously stated conditions for withdrawal are met is connected to the Turkish state threats and preparations to invade Northern Syria in terms of timing.
Salih Muslim spoke to the ANF about the US decision to withdraw from Syria and how it is connected to the Turkish state’s threats of invasion.
Muslim pointed out that the US has decided to withdraw from Syria abruptly before the previously stated conditions are met, and said: “The conditions were the end of ISIS, Iran leaving Syria and the establishment of stability in Syria. These were the points that were repeated over and over. That is why we say this decision to withdraw is an abrupt one, because none of these conditions have been met.”
Muslim said they didn’t invite the International Coalition, and they didn’t tell them to leave: “They weren’t here to protect us in any case. We rely on our own strength and defense. We are at a point of legitimate self defense. That much has never been lacking. It is their business to decide whether they stay or go. Our interests coincided, we acted together, but we never relied on them.”
Muslim said the Turkish state’s threats and preparations to invade Northern Syria are certainly connected to the decision to withdraw US troops and continued:
“What they agreed on, what conditions they set behind the scenes is not clear. In terms of timing, it doesn’t seem to be far removed or independent from each other. It is not empty threats that Erdogan says he will do this or that - apparently they have been discussing these with the US. We don’t have anything more concrete but looking at what happened and what has been said, this is how we read and analyze things.”
Muslim said other international powers will make their own calculations upon this decision to withdraw and added:
“There has been conflict among Iran, Russia and Turkey already. Now this will come further into light. They have been brushing over these conflicts because the US was there. The US is leaving, let’s see what they will do. The conjuncture is in chaos. Like they have their own interests and are looking out for them, we have our peoples and their interests in mind. We can have a dialogue with anybody, we can meet and we can reconcile.
Salih Muslim said Erdogan’s threats against Northern Syria are serious and added: “Erdogan keeps saying they will attack. They may. We won’t beg anyone not to attack us, or beg to be protected. We are here, we can handle our own defense. We are resolved for a total resistance. We rely on our people and our own defense system. Everybody will fulfill their duty.”
PYD Diplomatic Relations Co-chair Salih Muslim said the Turkish government’s mindset and aggressive approach poses a threat not just for the Kurds but for all peoples and even world peace: “What would you do if somebody comes into you home and attack you? Of course you would defend yourself. We will defend ourselves, we are not at a point to be begging others.”

The decision represented yet another setback to Kurdish aspirations for some form of statehood, which have repeatedly met disappointment at the hands of the United States. The letdowns began after President Woodrow Wilson pushed for but failed to secure a separate Kurdish state at the 1919 peace conference following World War I, which drew the borders of the modern Middle East.
Kurds say the hopes they have since placed in the United States have continued to be dashed. In 1975, the United States abandoned support for a Kurdish uprising in Iraq after President Saddam Hussein struck a deal with their ally, the Shah of Iran. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush encouraged Iraqis to rise up against Saddam, but when Kurds in the north and Shiite Arabs in the south responded to the call, the U.S. military refrained from going to their aid. Most recently, the Trump administration last year withheld support for an independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, and Iraqi troops rolled unopposed into areas the Kurds had controlled."

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