human rights watch

måndag 7 januari 2019

More Activists Detained in Kamyaran

More Activists Detained in Kamyaran
Iranian security forces have attacked the shop of a civilian in Kamyaran, Bakhtiar Kamangar, beaten and arrested him. He has been transferred to the Ministry of Intelligence Detention Centre in Sanandaj.

Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that security forces have attacked the shop of Bakhtiar Kamangar in Imam Shafi’i Kamyar Square of Kamyaran, beaten and arrested him at noon on January 6, 2019. The activist has been taken to the Ministry of Intelligence Detention Centre in Sanandaj.
The reports from the Kamyaran indicate that these arrests were carried out by the Operation Team of the General Directorate of the Sanandaj Intelligence Office.
According to a reliable source in Kamyaran, prior to the arrest of the above-mentioned activist, several other civilian had summoned and questioned by the Ministry of Intelligence in Kamyaran. During the past week, a total of 9 activists have been arrested by Sanandaj security forces in the cities of Kamyaran and Sanandaj.
It is noteworthy that six environmental activists, Hadi Kamangar, Fazil Qiatassi, Reza Asadi, Isa Feizi, Rashid Montazeri, Amanj Ghorbani and a former political prisoner known as Hossein Kamangar, have been arrested during the past few days by security forces in Kamyaran. Moreover, Farhad Mohammadi, a lawyer and secretary of the National Unity Party in Kurdistan, has been arrested by security forces in Sanandaj.

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