human rights watch

tisdag 8 januari 2019

There is evidence that the Turkish fascist regime committed for crimes against humanity in Kurdistan.

There is evidence that the Turkish fascist regime committed for crimes against humanity in Kurdistan...Erdogan and his fascist regime only anti kurd.
What Erdogan regrets YPG to have child soldiers it is a big scam and lie-off from Erdogan;
Erdogan is a drug addict he takes drugs then comes and bubbles pay for any newspaper published his lying story.
The Turks have always lied to the outside world about the Kurdish people, they are good at lying. BREAKING Turkey cannot accept US National Security Adviser Bolton's remarks on Kurds in Syria, says President Erdogan

Erdogan has a debate article in the New York Times today -

Under wartime conditions, many young Syrians had no choice but to join the P.Y.D./Y.P.G., the Syrian branch of the P.K.K., that Turkey and the United States consider a terrorist organization. According to Human Rights Watch, the Y.P.G. militants have violated international law by recruiting children.
Following the United States withdrawal from Syria, we will complete an intensive vetting process to reunite child soldiers with their families and include all fighters with no links to terrorist organizations in the new stabilization force.
Ensuring adequate political representation for all communities is another priority. Under Turkey’s watch, the Syrian territories that are under the control of the Y.P.G. or the so-called Islamic State will be governed by popularly elected councils. Individuals with no links to terrorist groups will be eligible to represent their communities in local governments.
Local councils in predominantly Kurdish parts of northern Syria will largely consist of the Kurdish community’s representatives whilst ensuring that all other groups enjoy fair political representation. Turkish officials with relevant experience will advise them on municipal affairs, education, health care and emergency services.
Turkey intends to cooperate and coordinate our actions with our friends and allies. We have been closely involved in the Geneva and Astana processes, and are the sole stakeholder that can work simultaneously with the United States and Russia. We will build on those partnerships to get the job done in Syria."

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