human rights watch

tisdag 5 februari 2019

Bilan Osman from Expo will teach Islamism. Expo educates on radical Islamism

Bilan Osman from Expo will teach Islamism. Expo educates on radical Islamism
What can you say other than a tearful "LOL"?

What's next?
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McDonald's CEO teaches veganism?
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Go home Sweden, you're full. "(Nima Dervish)

"This is a subject that Expo does not master. More than that. It is a subject that I have been asked by Expo at a meeting in their premises to be careful with, because it could lead to mushrooming. It was alleged that what I do could be used by right-hand extremes.

In Sweden, it is Aje Carlbom who mastered the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood and when it comes to salafijihadist environments it is besides Magnus Ranstorp Magnus Sandelin who master the subject.

Magnus Sandelin has written excellent books and reports for authorities on the subject and lectured on this for many years. There are therefore good reasons for anyone who is interested in this to turn to DOKU and / or to CATS at the Swedish National Defense College.

It is possible that Expo will master the subject in a couple of years. It takes time to learn the subject. Expo is an excellent source of knowledge when it comes to right-wing extremes. But this cannot be the Expo. Expo can of course not everything. No one can do anything. And no one can become an expert or authority on the subject in the short time it obviously took for Expo to produce a program. Of course, it is excellent that several actors are looking to engage in this. But jumping into it in this way is not only disrespectful to those who really can do anything. The short time it has taken to develop the knowledge also shows a substantial disrespect for the subject as such. "(Eli Göndor)

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