human rights watch

söndag 8 mars 2020

Letter from an Iranian doctor to the World Health Organization!

Letter from an Iranian doctor to the World Health Organization!
We had based all our hope on your inspection but we were disappointed!
Ladies and Gentlemen in World Health Organization!

I am an Iranian doctor, I work in a hospital with coronary patients and all the problems that come our way everyday, this is not a hospital, it is a battlefield and we are very and very angry, not just about our government and our incompetent system , but today more than ever about you, the World Health Organization!
My colleagues are bitterly saying , we should ask, albeit with regret, how much did they pay to silence you and make you to draft a report to satisfy them, why you really did it.
As Iranian doctors, we ask you honestly and we expect you to answer honestly, why you didn't contact us, why you didn't meet with people, why you didn't visit our hospitals in Gilan, Shiraz, Qazvin and Qom, why you didn't come to get a real picture and do something, why didn't you act as was expected on your own professionalism, about the situation which is a threat to many lives in the world as well as your own lives, the situation which has now turned Iran into a coronary outbreak centre and spread it to several countries? We know or have heard that the equipment you brought were sold to the private sector and it didn't reach me or to my colleagues.
We ask you, if this is not the case, please release and make public to be aware of the list of hospitals, cities and towns you visited and people you interviewed. this would help us figure out who should we turn for help when when our hands are short of reaching anywhere.
We urge you to investigate where your help and other organisations' or European governments' helps have ended up.
When we saw your report which gave credit to a government which with its misconceptions and utter indifference to the safety and lives of people, is turning Iran, in front of our eyes,  into a a total catastrophe, we asked ourselves, what shall we call and what shall we say to the one who comes here and observes the disaster but drafts such report other than expressing our disappointment.
Ladies and gentlemen!
In Iran, we have no NGOs, even if we make one this government immediately seal the security and collect them, but we are, we are a network of doctors and nurses and coworkers who are working hard and some of them have lost their lives.
What should we do!
For your information, there is this commotion among Iranian doctors, to call on the World Health Organization to intervene point-blank and promptly and formally lead the fight against Corona. So we officially urge you to take action directly and to follow and lead without any hesitation and shortcomings in dealing with Corona in Iran.
If you want to prevent Corona from spreading in Iran and somehow around the world, change your policy on Iran. In Iran you have to do everything directly and we promise to work with you the most and urge all our colleagues and medical personnel to work in a more hopeful spirit and to remove this mass disaster from our country.
Once again, I say we all hoped for your inspectors that they made us absolutely desperate.  Therefore, we urge the head of the World Health Organization and its officials, as we as, the international community, to act immediately. We, the network of doctors, are by your side.
An Iranian doctor, signature reserved

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