human rights watch

tisdag 24 november 2020

The terrorist corps of the Revolutionary Guards has committed criminal acts against the Iranian people. According to the information obtained, the planes belonging to the terrorist corps are flying over the cities of Iran, and then the poisonous sarin gas is sprayed from the sky on the cities to kill the Iranian people. Kurdistan News Agency.


The terrorist corps of the Revolutionary Guards has committed criminal acts against the Iranian people. According to the information obtained, the planes belonging to the terrorist corps are flying over the cities of Iran, and then the poisonous sarin gas is sprayed from the sky on the cities to kill the Iranian people.  Kurdistan News Agency.

ارتكب الفيلق الإرهابي للحرس الثوري أعمال إجرامية بحق الشعب الإيراني ، وبحسب المعلومات التي تم الحصول عليها ، فإن الطائرات التابعة للفيلق الإرهابي تحلق فوق المدن الإيرانية ، ثم يتم رش غاز السارين السام من السماء على المدن لقتل الشعب الإيراني.  وكالة أنباء كوردستان

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