human rights watch

tisdag 4 maj 2021

International call of 1112 family members of Mojahedin Khalq martyrs to prevent the destruction of martyrs' tombs


International call of 1112 family members of Mojahedin Khalq martyrs to prevent the destruction of martyrs' tombs

 Letter 1112 Member of the Families of the Mojahedin Khalq Martyrs to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Leaders of the European Union, the United States and International Human Rights Organizations:

We are the signatories of the family members of the Mojahedin Khalq martyrs who did not surrender to the religious fascism that ruled Iran and were handed over to firing squads or gallows. Most of us are unaware of the burial place of our loved ones. .

In his criminal fatwa in the summer of 1988, Khomeini wrote: "Those who insist on their hypocritical position in prisons across the country are war criminals and sentenced to death," and stressed that "Destroy Islam."

While the advocacy movement is becoming more and more widespread, with international human rights organizations and UN experts describing the 1967 massacre as a crime against humanity, the clerical regime is trying to hide the effects of this great crime and destroy the tombs of these martyrs.

The latest attempt is to destroy the mass graves of political prisoners massacred in Tehran's Khavaran Cemetery. Our children's graves have already been destroyed in Ahvaz, Tabriz, Mashhad and other cities. These actions constitute the mass torture of thousands of survivors of martyrs and a double crime against humanity.

The people of Iran and all human rights defenders are calling for the UN Security Council to investigate the massacre of political prisoners and bring the perpetrators of this great crime to international tribunal.

Family members of the victims of the massacre called on the United Nations and the international human rights organizations to prevent further destruction of the martyrs' shrines and to eliminate the effects of crime and psychological torture on thousands of families across Iran.

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