human rights watch

onsdag 12 maj 2021

Missile strikes continue, but damage to Israel is insignificant lesson for Iranian regime


Missile strikes continue, but damage to Israel is insignificant lesson for Iranian regime

 early hours of this morning (Wednesday) and the Israeli army is retaliating against the centers of power of terrorist groups in Gaza and is trying to command the commanders of terrorist groups and the leaders of these organizations. Also exhausted.

According to the latest statistics, from the evening two days ago (Monday) until this morning, Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired 850 missiles and rockets into Israeli territory, this time a number of missiles reached the center of Israel and a small number of They hit Tel Aviv and several surrounding cities.

Five people, including elderly women and foreign nurses, have been killed in the rocket attacks so far this morning. Dozens of people have also been injured, including a baby whose shrapnel has entered his brain and doctors are trying to remove it.

The Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister stressed at a press conference last night that Israel is facing a long battle and that the conflict will not end easily.

They said that this time the blows inflicted by Israel on terrorist groups would be so severe that they would regret what they had done and stop the aggression.

Defense Minister Bani Gantz said the Israeli army had more than a thousand other military targets on its list in Gaza that needed to be destroyed.

Israel, which in the past tried not to escalate the crisis, this time decided to cripple terrorist organizations in terms of continuing aggression.

In these attacks, all the police stations and the military and offensive forces of the terrorist organizations in Gaza were destroyed. Israel has also destroyed several underground missile depots.

These explosions have also caused civilian casualties among the people of Gaza because these warehouses were built in populated areas inside Gaza and the way it is set up is the same as that established by the Revolutionary Guards inside Iran.

Dozens of missiles are stored in these depots, which open the depot when necessary, and dozens of pre-arranged missiles can be fired one after the other at designated targets.

In addition to destroying these warehouses and destroying the bases of the offensive forces of the terrorist organizations, as well as trying to kill the leaders of the groups, it is trying to end the offensive against the lives of the Israeli people.

The leader of the Hamas group said today that if Israel stops airstrikes, Hamas will also stop missile attacks on Israel. But Islamic Jihad leaders say the armed struggle must continue until Israel is destroyed.

Israel has repeatedly tried in the past, through humanitarian measures, to convince Hamas that it would be better to end the aggression against Israel and rebuild Gaza. In this way, Israel has allowed more than one hundred million dollars in financial aid donated by the Emirate of Qatar to Gaza. But the ability of terrorist organizations to fire more than 800 missiles into Israeli territory in 36 hours shows that the money will be spent on missile production instead of on defense of the people of Gaza.

In addition, the Islamic Republic of Iran encourages them to continue their aggression against Israel by smuggling short-range but advanced missiles to Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

In this way, the Iranian regime is trying to test the extent of Israel's resistance to widespread missile attacks. But firing 850 missiles in 36 hours and inflicting casualties and relatively small financial losses inside Israel could be a lesson for the Iranian regime and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The fact that the Iron Dome anti-missile system has been able to capture about 90 percent of the missiles that could hit residential areas in the air is a sign of the country's defense power. Israel has also designed and built two other anti-missile systems for short-range and long-range missiles that may be fired from inside Iran by Hezbollah in Lebanon or the Revolutionary Guards, one for hunting short-range missiles and the other for missiles. Hunts ballistics and long range in the air.

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