human rights watch

måndag 3 maj 2021

Mr. Reza Khandan's remarks after meeting with his wife, Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh, about the terrible situation in Qarchak prison in Varamin.


Mr. Reza Khandan's remarks after meeting with his wife, Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh, about the terrible situation in Qarchak prison in Varamin.

Reza Khandan said after meeting with his wife, Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh, about the terrible situation in Qarchak prison in Varamin, today was the day of the meeting. I noticed that last night's rain had caused about half of the beds and carpets of Qarchak prisoners to get completely wet. The roof of the hall where Nasrin is was watered from at least ten places; Despite the fact that a container was placed all over the hall to collect water, water was everywhere.

In response to Nasrin's protest, the security official said: "Look, the roof of my room is also watering" !!

With the warming of the air, the smell of Qarchak sewage has intensified. The smell of sewage is so strong that one feels like one lives inside the sewage. Various letters and complaints about the situation in Qarchak prison have remained unanswered so far.

Prison sanitation is another sad story that cannot be described. I took a picture of a toilet in the prison parking lot that soldiers, service drivers and clients, including lawyers, can use. This toilet is so dirty and ruined that it is inconceivable. A friend who had solitary confinement in Qarchak prison said that Qarchak solitary confinement was much worse.

The month of Ramadan has led to the prisoners not being given lunch on the pretext that some prisoners are fasting. In fact, those who wake up at 2-3 in the morning to get their breakfast ration will be given lunch tomorrow at noon. Prisoners have no means to heat food. Lunch is eaten at noon 10 to 12 hours after delivery, without the possibility of heating (if it is not rotten).

Of course, prison food is inedible even under normal circumstances. I remember the first days when I was in Evin prison, they gave me pasta. I thought maybe I could at least eat pasta. After the second spoon, I quickly went to the bathroom ...

Nasrin has been transferred to Qarchak prison for more than seven months. We could not visit the children because of the distance and the dirty prison.

I found out that Qarchak prison, which used to be a livestock shed, belonged to two sisters, and they had complained about taking back the land and the shed. This is what old prisoners define.

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