human rights watch

måndag 3 maj 2021

Who did not bring Khomeini ?! Many factors played a role in Khomeini coming to power. We explained these in the clip "How Khomeini came to power (". But now I want to tell you the most hidden parts of the case! Did the revolutionaries of the Shah's time, and especially the Mojahedin Khalq, play a role in Khomeini coming to power? Were they united? Events you certainly do not know!


Who did not bring Khomeini ?!

Many factors played a role in Khomeini coming to power. We explained these in the clip "How Khomeini came to power (". But now I want to tell you the most hidden parts of the case! Did the revolutionaries of the Shah's time, and especially the Mojahedin Khalq, play a role in Khomeini coming to power? Were they united?

Events you certainly do not know!

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