human rights watch

måndag 2 augusti 2021

Destruction of Kurdish graves in Afrin and Erdogan's false propaganda against kurdish peoples


Destruction of Kurdish graves in Afrin and Erdogan's false propaganda against kurdish peoples.

The Turkish regime has been occupying Afrin for several years right now the Turks are trying to dismantle Kurdish graves and collect the bones of the dead and then show via media so that Turkey found a mass grave in Afrin.

This propaganda is false as well as false.

As information we have received from Afrin the Turkish regime began to dismantle Kurdish ordinary graves then collected them dead bones from them graves and trying to so to speak found mass graves it is actually ashamed of Erdogan's false tales.

If the UN were to make a proper investigation in Turkey in 2015 Turkish military committed for crimes against humanity in the Kurdish area when the Kurds protested against Erdogan's wrongful political things.

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