human rights watch

onsdag 4 augusti 2021

We strongly condemn the EU's participation in the inauguration of the Iranian criminal Ibrahim Raisi


We strongly condemn the EU's participation in the inauguration of the Iranian criminal Ibrahim Raisi

Participating in the inauguration of the criminal Ebrahim Ra'isi is like participating in the massacre against  45,000 Iranians who were massacred by Ibrahim Ra'isi, the criminal.

We strongly condemn the EU's participation in the inauguration of the Iranian criminal Ibrahim Raisi.

The EU confirmed on Tuesday that Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary-General of the European External Action Service, will attend the inauguration of Ebrahim Raisi as President of Iran.

United Associations for a Free Iran We strongly condemn the EU's participation in Raisi's installation ceremony.

Raisi is known as the butcher in Tehran as he played a key role in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. A large majority of the Iranian people chose to boycott the regime's recent presidential election. Raisi is thus the oppressor of the Iranian people and not theirs.

The EU's decision to send a high - ranking representative to Tehran to attend the inauguration of an executioner is puzzling and a mockery of the victims. It is a slap in the face to the families of the victims and the Iranian people who seek justice.

It shows poor judgment and legitimizes the regime's gross MRI violations, systematic MRI crimes, terrorism and aggression.

Raisi should be brought to justice for his involvement in the 1988 massacre and the killing of 2,500 protesters in November 2019.

The EU should immediately cease its shameful participation and instead recognize the 1988 massacre as an ongoing crime against humanity.

The EU's Iran policy based on concessions and critical dialogue has failed. Europe's leaders must change their policy towards the regime in Iran. Otherwise, the Iranian people have no choice but to view the EU as involved in the regime's atrocities, humanitarian crimes, blackmail and aggression policy.

with kind regards

human rights organization

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