human rights watch

söndag 27 maj 2018

Massive demo in Amuda against Turkish invasion of Kurdistan

Massive demo in Amuda against Turkish invasion of Kurdistan
Hundreds of residents of Amuda and members of the civil institutions protested on Saturday in response to a call by a group of academics, intellectuals, parties, associations and civil society organizations, Kurdistan and the world to make May 26 a Global Day of acting against the Turkish invasion in Kurdistan.

The demonstration was launched from the square of Martyr Judy in Amuda district in Qamişlo canton and headed towards the Women Square.

 The demonstrators held banners with "No to the Turkish occupation, the march of the peoples against the occupation of the Turkish state, Afrin will be the holocaust of the mercenaries" written on in addition to holding the flags of the People and Women Protection Units (YPG,YPJ), the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) and Kongra Star.
The demonstration was stopped at the Women Square after it toured the main streets of the area. Then, the administrator in Kongra Star in Amuda Menwar Ali and the co-chair of Amuda Council Salwa Suleiman delivered speeches. At first, the speeches saluted the peoples of Rojava, North Syria and the world against the Turkish occupation of Kurdistan. .
The speeches noted that the will of the people of Afrin was strong in the face of the Turkish occupation, and they continue to resist by all means to liberate their land and to return to their homes victorious.
The demonstration ended with the slogans which salute the Resistance of the Age and the steadfastness of the people of Afrin, and the slogans which condemn the policies of demographic change of the Turkish occupation in Syria and Afrin.

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