human rights watch

lördag 19 maj 2018

No one was born with a veil on the head, the women were forced to wear the veil on the head; the women should choose between death and life; the wearer can wear the veil, but the one who is denied wearing the veil may be stoned by Islamic radicals.

No one was born with a veil on the head, the women were forced to wear the veil on the head; the women should choose between death and life; the wearer can wear the veil, but the one who is denied wearing the veil may be stoned by Islamic radicals.

The Debater: Therefore, there is no discrimination when women are denied jobs because of their clothing choices

This is a debate article. It is the writer who stands for the views expressed in the text, not Aftonbladet.

Wearing a veil is as easy as choosing the color you want on the lipstick. But that does not mean.

DEBATE. With some regularity, stories about young women who are denied work because they carry veil in the press. We remember Aye, 23, who was denied employment on SAS because of her veil. Last week, Hoda, 21, noticed that she can not work as a security guard at Securitas because she wears veil. The young women are presented uncritically as innocent victims of discrimination, and employers find themselves unfair, square, perhaps even directly racist.

Every time I read these black and white stories about young women who claim to be exposed to discrimination, I think of one of my first jobs, as a waitress in a pretty good neighborhood in Malmö. My boss, a very determined woman, disliked my lipstick. She thought it was too dark. So I changed, without a knot, to another lipstick. It was she who owned the hook, she who paid my salary and her who decided.

Because I needed my work and my money, I adapted. When I was free, I could have any lipstick.

When I started teaching at the university many years later, I was able to attend a university education course. We devoted an entire pass to discussing suitable and less appropriate clothing in the cathedral. Excessive undressed garments were ratified, for example. Not because of moral reasons but not to distract the students.

My point is that it is the employer who decides - and if you do not want to join the employer's will, you can apply for another job. Neither Aye nor Hoda was denied work. They chose the veil before the work.

Even young Muslim women are autonomous, free to choose and therefore responsible for their choices. If you, like Aye and Hoda, refuse to meet the wishes of the employer, you simply get their throws.

But, maybe someone is facing, is not Aye and Hoda exposed to discrimination? Is it really reasonable to compare lipstick and veil? I want to assert that it is.

Wearing a veil is as easy as choosing the color you want on the lipstick. It is in any case what these young Muslim women usually emphasize if someone dares to argue that the veil is a symbol of oppression.

You can not both have the cake and eat it. If you claim that the practice of covering your hair with a veil is an expression of your own well-founded choice, one can not claim discrimination when an employer demands that you remove the veil. Discrimination occurs when someone is treated because of a congenital irreversible property such as sex or skin color. Nobody is born with veil on his head.

Hoda emphasizes that the veil is part of her identity. I could say that about my lipstick too - but nobody had taken seriously if I claimed to be discriminated against because my employer had views on the color I chose. The difference is, of course, that Hoda claims that the veil is an expression of her religious conviction. In Sweden, a country that has been secularized for generations, just that argument seems to trump all other arguments.

Religious people are treated with silk mercury in a way that is actually quite depressing. Nobody asks Aye or Hoda what happens if they take off the veil. By courtesy we choose to accept an argument that is completely unreasonable.

We should end that. Religious people are also fully responsible for their choices and actions.

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