Warning Ramin Hossein Panahi's life is in danger
The death sentence for Ramin Hosseinpanahi, a political prisoner sentenced to death, was communicated to him by security officials at Sanandaj Central Prison.
According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Saturday, May 19th, 2018, Sanandaj Central Prison Security Authority communicated the sentence to Ramin Hosseinpanahi, a political prisoner sentenced to death.
“The security authorities of Sanandaj Central Prison, took Ramin to the prison chief’s office this morning Saturday, May 19th, 2018, and read his death sentence to him and told him that, with no doubt, after month of Ramadan, he will be executed “, said an informed source to Campaign.
The source continued, “The authorities and security officials told Ramin Hosseinpanahi that ” all stages of death sentence execution have been passed and there is no prevention to enforce the sentence, and emphasized that no international organization or human rights organization can stop the execution, and If it is not yet been executed, only because of the month of Ramadan, and after Ramadan, his dead sentence will be enforced. “.
Ramin Hosseinpanahi, a political prisoner sentenced to death, once before on May 1st, 2018, was transferred to the Sanandaj Central Prison quarantine section for execution, but with a pressure from international institutions and civil activists, his death sentence was stopped and he was returned to the prison general ward. This time, he has faced a serious risk of execution.
The Kurdish Justice Department, in a statement issued on May 3rd, 1018, urged Ramin Hosseinpanahi to be executed as soon as possible on charges of rebellion, which prompted many reactions from human rights institutions and civil activists.
Rebellion charge has been denied repeatedly by Ramin Hosseinpanahi and his lawyer, Hossein Ahmadinez. His lawyer frequently remarked during the trial that Ramin Hosseinpanahi had never been armed, and his membership in the Komala Party and the promotion of it, according to Iranian law, cannot be resulted in the death penalty.
On Friday, May 18th, 2018, Hosseinpanahi’s family, called on all people and human rights organizations to double their humanitarian and universal efforts to repeal Ramin Hosseinpanahi’s death sentence.
Ramin Hosseinpanahi ‘s death sentence was issued even though he denied all the alleged charges, such as participation in the armed conflict. The lawyer of the Kurdish political prisoner also considered the sentence unexpected and unjust.
Hussein Ahmadinez, the defense lawyer had already said that the death penalty was imposed on his client, Ramin Hosseinpanahi, by the Revolutionary Guard influence and infiltrating. According to Iran’s internal and criminal laws, if the case’s judges had independence, Ramin Hosseinpanahi would not deserve death penalty.
Following the announcement of Ramin Hosseinpanahi’s death sentence, a new wave of protest was formed inside and outside Iran. A wide range of Kurdish organizations, including the Center of Kurdish Parties Alliance, different populist clubs, civil and political citizens centers, educational group, writers, artists, various social institutions, poets, marketers, guilds, ex-representatives of various parliamentary time, cultural activists, The Iranian Democratic Council, and dozens of other political and civil organizations, issued various statements and announcements in Kurdistan, Iran, and in some provincial cities and towns in Europe and Canada. They have protested, condemning Ramin Hosseinpanahi’s death sentence and other execution sentences of political, civil and different believer’s prisoners in Iran. They also announced their support for Ramin Hosseinpanahi.
Amnesty International in an announcement demanded immediate action against the imminent execution of Ramin Hosseinpanahi. According to the announcement, the verdict issued to Ramin Hosseinpanahi was followed by a severely unfair trial following four months of compulsory disappearance. The organization has affirmed that security and judicial authorities have transferred Ramin Hosseinpanahi to solidarity confinement in revenge and his conviction and punishment are in contravention of international law and should be lifted.
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