human rights watch

torsdag 31 maj 2018

Clearly: Yes to cans in Denmark, many fled because of Islamic religion, when they try here

Clearly: Yes to cans in Denmark, many fled because of Islamic religion, when they try here
The Danish parliament has said yes to a ban on wearing clothes that cover the face.
Burkforbud in Denmark
As of August 1, the person who carries, for example, may be fined by 1,000 Danish kronor.

75 voted for and 30 against when the ballot ban on the ban on face-to-face clothes was held in the Danish parliament, the equivalent to the Riksdag, on Thursday, reports the Danish radio.

It is after a long discussion in the parliament that a decision is now coming. The Liberal Alliance Party has let its members vote no on the matter, while the government representatives voted yes.

Social Democrats, Danish People's Party, Left and Conservative Party voted for the ban.

Device List, Alternate, Radical and SF voted.

As of August 1, it will therefore be illegal to wear clothing that covers the face of public places. An infringement gives a fine of 1000 Danish Kroner, several violations may amount to as much as 10,000 kronor in fines.

Garments like burka and niqab are thus forbidden, but also hoods and masks that cover the face. It is only for exemptions as permitted, for example, if you have to cover your face when cold or wearing a mask on your way to a masked.

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