human rights watch

onsdag 31 december 2014

wish you all my weblogs readers a really nice happy new year

wish you all my weblogs readers a really nice happy new year

2014 is a big crisis years, Islamic barbaric terrorist organization attacked the Iraqi military and took Mousel just over four hours, then isis terrorists attacked the Kurds

Isis Islamic barbaric terrorist organization raped and killed many Kurdish women in Sinjar and Shingal
2014 is a big crisis years, Islamic barbaric terrorist organization attacked the Iraqi military and took Mousel just over four hours.

tisdag 30 december 2014

måndag 29 december 2014

shia terrorist militias kidnapping kurdish truckers

shia  terrorist militias kidnapping kurdish truckers  
intro : the road between Baghdad and hawler , became a dangerous road for kurdish people
this road was rescued by peshmerga forces & hashd al-shaibi , militias , but the shia militias dont allow trucks with kurdish plate number go throw there 

Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in Syria in six months: monitor

Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in Syria in six months: monitor.
BEIRUT, The Islamic State militant group has killed 1,878 people in Syria during the past six months, the majority of them civilians, a British-based Syrian monitoring organization said on Sunday.

Islamic barbaric terrorist group isis in a video talking about how they raped Yazidis girls

Islamic barbaric terrorist group isis in a video talking about how they raped Yazidis girls
Isis occupied singal and Sinjar three months ago because the PDK Barzani's party gave the green light to isis to occupy Shingal and Sinjar, isis the Islamic terrorist organization took more than 5,000 Yazidis girls and women aged 12 to 40 years old, PDK Barzani's party had 700 peshmerga in Shingal and Sinjar with modern weapons, but they let isis to occupy Shingal and Sinjar, Isis sold Yazidis girls to other Arab men
ISIS Rapes Three-Year-Old Girls In An Open Market, And Forces Women To Divorce Their Husbands So They Can Be Sold Into Sex Slavery - See more at: 

söndag 28 december 2014

They are anti kurds Iranian regime and the Turkish regime is trying to acquire conflict between the Kurds. more info coming soon

They are anti kurds
Iranian regime and the Turkish regime is trying to acquire conflict between the Kurds.
Kurdish enemy has already planned new tactics against the Kurdish people.
Iran and Turkey are trying to approach the Iraqi Kurds to be able to easily fight against Kurds living in Turkey and Iran, they are Kurdish greatest enemy.
Iran and Turkey does not want the Kurds get together.
Because Iran knows just how Iraqi Kurdistan, PUK and PDK also want to know how Iran would lure them.
more info coming soon

lördag 27 december 2014

what would the Iranian regime in Kurdistan? Iran is not Kurdish friend contrary, Iran's Kurdish enemy

what would the Iranian regime in Kurdistan?
The Iranian regime is not Kurdish friend contrary Iranian regime's Kurdish enemy,
PDK has been in Iran for several years as called qayade mawaqat them cooperated with the Iranian regime against Iranian Kurds.

ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Iranian parliament speaker said his country is committed to supporting the Kurdistan Region in its fight against the Islamic State (IS). 

Terorist Isis Flag lowered by PKK (YPG/HPG) Fighters @Shingal City SRY I MEAN TERORIST TURKEY´S FLAG lol

Terorist Isis Flag lowered by PKK (YPG/HPG) Fighters @Shingal City

Kurdish female fighters named ‘most inspiring women’ of 2014

Kurdish female fighters named ‘most inspiring women’ of 2014
WASHINGTON DC—The women fighter and a Kurdish Yezidi parliamentarian were chosen by CNN as the most inspiring women of 2014.

Inside rojava is a weekly news in English from the Kurdish Freedom's television channel ronahitv.   so those who speak English, you can click on the video to know what's happening in Kurdistan

Inside rojava is a weekly news in English from the Kurdish Freedom's television channel ronahitv.
  so those who speak English, you can click on the video to know what's happening in Kurdistan


Yazidis on Mount Sinjar call for urgent help

Yazidis on Mount Sinjar call for urgent help.

As the Operation to Liberate Sinjar continues since 17 December, more than 10 thousand Yazidis who are trying to survive challenging conditions with the onset of winter are in need of urgent aid.

Images from Mount Sinjar

Images from Mount Sinjar

Thousands of Yazidis are struggling to survive under challenging circumstances on Mount Sinjar where they took shelter after the barbarian ISIS gangs attacked their hometown Sinjar early August.
ANF has captured images from the Yazidi people's struggle for life on Mount Sinjar.

How Turkish fascists treats journalists who cover Kobane

How Turkish fascists treats journalists who cover Kobane
An impression of some journalists who have tried to cover the Kobane issue and suffered reprisals by Turkish authorities

fredag 26 december 2014

Swedish Mosque Fire Deemed Arso

Swedish Mosque Fire Deemed Arso

Arson attack on Swedish mosque injures five

torsdag 25 december 2014

Kurdish Islamic radical terrorist Mullah Krekar seeks to go back to Kurdistan

Kurdish Islamic radical terrorist  Mullah Krekar seeks to go back to  Kurdistan.
ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Iraqi Kurdish extremist leader Mullah Krekar who is serving a prison sentence in Norway is about to set free.

Kurd: 'To be happy, live like the Jews'

Kurd: 'To be happy, live like the Jews'

Here's a nice story of brotherhood and good cheer in the Algemeiner,picked up  from the Saudi-funded online news medium Elaph: a Kurdish writer, Mahdi Majid Abdullah, praises the  Jews for their 'values and principles'.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Christmas Greeting - 2014

Publicerades den 24 dec. 2014
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wishes a merry Christmas to Israel's Christian citizens and to Christians throughout the world!

Kurds Get Closer to a State of Their Own

Kurds Get Closer to a State of Their Own

With Cuba and North Korea dominating the headlines, Americans may have missed the good news from a corner of the world that has provided very little: Iraq. Kurdish peshmerga fighters have inflicted a series of defeats on Islamic State forces, freeing a broad swath of northern Iraq from the jihadists' control. 

Video of ISIS terrorists who were killed by the YPG in Til Hamis ISIS terrorists who have been killed by the YPG as part of an offensive on the village of Ebu Qussaib in Til Hamis

Video of ISIS terrorists who were killed by the YPG in Til Hamis
ISIS terrorists who have been killed by the YPG as part of an offensive on the village of Ebu Qussaib in Til Hamis