human rights watch

lördag 24 mars 2018

As a Dutch-Kurd, I hereby explain my sarcastic ‘appreciation’ for the entire Western world abandoning the Kurdish people who defeated ISIS, in favor of Turkey's dictator.

As a Dutch-Kurd, I hereby explain my sarcastic ‘appreciation’ for the entire Western world abandoning the Kurdish people who defeated ISIS, in favor of Turkey's dictator.
Als een Koerdisch-Nederlandse burger, wil ik mijn woede uiten over het bloedbad in Afrin en de houding van de Nederlandse regering. Ik veroordeel Turkije voor alle kinderslachtoffers in Afrin, van wie de vaders en moeders ISIS verdreven hebben en ervoor gezorgd hebben dat de NAVO-landen veiliger zijn geworden voor alle kinderen. De strijd in Afrin zal alleen maar leiden tot meer escalatie tussen de Turken en de Koerden in de hele wereld.
As a Kurdish-Dutch citizen, I want to express my anger about the massacre in Afrin and the attitude of the Dutch government. I condemn Turkey for all for all child victims in Afrin, whose fathers and mothers have expelled ISIS and ensured that NATO countries have become safer for their children. The battle in Afrin will only lead to more escalation between the Turks and Kurds in the whole world.

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