human rights watch

onsdag 17 oktober 2018

16/10/2017 Exactly a year ago, after the Kurds voted for a referendum, the iranian and the Iraqis entered Kirkuk and conquered Kirkuk

Exactly a year ago, after the Kurds voted for a referendum, the iranian  with turkey and the Iraqis  military  together entered Kirkuk and conquered Kirkuk.
The 2017,10,16 massoud Barzani and Puk together have not studied what would happen after September 25, 2017 as Massoud Barzani called the people to a referendum for the independence of Kurdistan in northern Iraq.
On the other hand, there were already Turkish troops in southern Kurdistan and Turkish regime is the Kurdish people's worst enemy.
Because Massoud Barzani should have done a whole plan with a good strategy for the Kurdish future, but Barzani did not.

On the other hand, Barzani did not want to listen to US politicians as they had previously demanded Barzani to resign from his post, but Barzani listened to the Erdogan and did not want to listen to American demands because on October 16, 2017, US did not want to help scandal against the Iraqi regime attack that occupied church the Kurdish main city.

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