human rights watch

onsdag 3 oktober 2018

Adil Abdul-Madhi the iraqi must criminals men..Adil Abdul-Madhi committed for crimes against humanity in Iraq, Adil Abdul-Madhi made the genocide against Iraqi Sunni Muslims in Iraq what they have done to Sunni in line with Nouri al Maliki.

Adil Abdul-Madhi the iraqi must criminals men..Adil Abdul-Madhi committed for crimes against humanity in Iraq, Adil Abdul-Madhi made the genocide against Iraqi Sunni Muslims in Iraq what they have done to Sunni in line with Nouri al Maliki.
Adil Abdul-Mahdi played a very important role in the maliki era of massacre against Iraqi Sunni Muslims in Faluja Al Romadi and Al Anbar. Adil Abdul-Mahdi is a Shiite religious and member of an Islamic group governed by the Iranian regime

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