human rights watch

söndag 18 november 2018

Iranian terrorist and fascists forces attack kolbars, wounding a minor Attacks claim the life of one kolbar a day on average.

Iranian terrorist and fascists  forces attack kolbars, wounding a minor Attacks claim the life of one kolbar a day on average.
As Iran's regime forces tens of millions into poverty, thousands of Iranians are resorting to work as porters in their desperate attempt to make ends meet...

Kolbars trying to make a living in Rojhilate Kurdistan are subjected to systemic attacks, and one kolbar loses their life a day on average. Dozens of kolbars have been murdered since April, and dozens have been wounded.
Regime force patrol the border line as death commandos. They have total impunity for the crimes they commit, and are in fact encouraged by the government.
Iranian regime forces have attacked kolbars in the border region once again, reported Kobarnews.
According to reports, the most recent attack targeted kolbars at Doletu and Kepran checkpoints near Serdesht border. The attack left a 15-year-old minor by the name of Mîhran Dihistanî Rad wounded and he was taken to Serdesht Hospital.

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