human rights watch

onsdag 19 december 2018

International fighters: We will defend our revolution against fascism International fighters in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) said that they would defend Rojava Revolution and northern Syria everywhere to safeguard women's freedom during this revolution.

International fighters: We will defend our revolution against fascism International fighters in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) said that they would defend Rojava Revolution and northern Syria everywhere to safeguard women's freedom during this revolution.

The international fighters in YPJ issued a written statement on the Turkish threats against the northern and eastern regions of Syria and confirmed that they stood in a single trench against the common enemy of Kurds, Arabs, Syriac, Assyrians and Turkmen.
The text of the statement included,
"Erdogan and the fascist alliance between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) have demonstrated, through their recent bombardment against the safe people in Mexmûr (Mekhmour) and Yazidi camp in Şengal, their intention to invade Rojava and northern Syria and to drown Kurdistan and the aftermath into fascism. For us, it is clear that there are different faces of the same enemy.
This fascist unit of the Turkish state, its mercenaries and IS has been repelled by our female comrades. The community here in northern Syria and all of Kurdistan, after the continued and brutal invasion of Afrin, threatens the Turkish state to attack again the liberated areas of northern Syria, where women take a leading role in this revolution.
At the time when our female comrades are fighting in Deir ez-Zor, moving forward in the liberation of Hajin town, and others still continuing to attack the invaders in Afrin, we are shouting loudly for freedom in the face of the threats against this revolution.
Because we have learned, seen and lived, how people in northern Syria create the ground for a free and participatory society based on gender equality, environment and basic democracy.
To oppose the fascism, feudalism, authoritarianism and all other forms of oppression, we, as women from different places, cultures and traditions, united to confront these regimes, establish a revolutionary process, participate in building and developing all that is necessary for them and defending them by all necessary means.
The economic and political relations maintained by any organization or state with Turkey are also responsible for this situation in the impending war. Only one example is the German state that sells tanks to Turkey and continues a good diplomacy with the fascists. All this helps Turkey to continue its tradition of colonialism and committing massacres against the safe people.
We are in a single trench and engaged into the struggle issue against a common enemy of Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Turkmens and a large number of people against the authoritarian regime, the state's regime and capitalism. The seeds of free life are spread everywhere in the world.
We will fight wherever people need it. The parents and comrades have the responsibility to stop the war and not just wait! It is time to stand against fascism! Our places are many, as well as our methods in this battle. Silence means complicity. Let us point out that as female international fighters, we believe that we have been free women. When we face our enemies, we defend side by side.
Remembering all the comrades who fought for freedom to the end - including thousands of women - our response to these threats is unlimited resistance! Their courage and love for life is an example for us and we follow their steps.

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