human rights watch

måndag 11 mars 2019

Ayatullah Imam Reza Diba Pahlavi came to , so if I say that correctly, they should come to Iran with a camel

Ayatullah Imam Reza Diba Pahlavi came to , so if I say that correctly, they should come to Iran with a camel. or with a donkey in chirst time there not horse riding only donkey.

Victoria  azad is  and likes Razapahlavi to Christ!
Razapahlavi riding a horse or ass?
Victoria azad, in a strange statement, likened Reza Pahlavi to Christ, who will come on a white horse!

The first episode: Christ was an ass rider and never had a horse; I think it would be better for them to correct their sentence on the compound of Razapahloi.
Second note: In our literature, a man who rides on a white horse will come, or a suitor or imam of time!
Third episode: Probably, in the near future, they and other creators will announce the advent of Pahlavi.

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