human rights watch

söndag 10 mars 2019

Those who know no humanity themselves, who defend their husbands raping Ezidi children as they are slaves & it's 'sharia', surrendered to the Kurds, knowing they would not be raped or tortured by Kurds. These women show no humanity to their victims but do demand it for themselves

Those who know no humanity themselves, who defend their husbands raping Ezidi children as they are slaves & it's 'sharia', surrendered to the Kurds, knowing they would not be raped or tortured by Kurds. These women show no humanity to their victims but do demand it for themselves..And here a part showing how even daesh women are afraid of the most radicals amongst them. The hardcore daesh women who burn the tents of those they call kuffar. And also watch here French, Swedish, German daesh women cry for themselves. No remorse only self-pity

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