human rights watch

söndag 20 oktober 2019

Turkish regime delegation with Syrian regime delegation in Russia NATO agrees with us even if we were to commit a clean genocide against Kurds

Turkish regime delegation with Syrian regime delegation in Russia NATO agrees with us even if we were to commit a clean genocide against Kurds
The Turkish fascist regime demanded Syria so that the two countries together would make a clean genocide against the Kurdish nation in Northern Syria.
A Syrian officer who did not want to be named has told of the meetings Russia made between Turkey and Syria in Russia.

NATO member had a completely sick proposal for the Syrian regime.
One of the Turkish officers demanded Syria so that together they can do a purely ethnic cleansing in the area Syrian military on one side and Turkish military on the other hand they can together cleanse the Kurdish people in the area and kill all the Kurds, as we together can cleanse the Kurds in this areas said the Turkish delegation in Russia who had meeting with Syrian military
The Syrian officer said it is not easy for the outside world to act against us if we were to do so it would only be a problem.
The Turkish delegation said we are with NATO and we do not think the outside world can react to us we had good relations with the US also with the EU. Syrian delegation responded so you can do with your own people not with Syrian people, Turkish delegation laughed and said you do not think about Syrian people if you did not think as you have today, you have created problems for us not only for you, know more than 3 million Syrian refugees live in Turkey.
Syrian regime delegation said what happened so maybe someday will happen the same thing to you that nobody knows about.
Turkey has experience of how to do the genocide against the other nation. Turkey 1909 to 1915 made the genocide against Armenian people, the Turks killed more than 1 and a half million Armenians.
وفد النظام التركي مع وفد النظام السوري في روسيا يتفق حلف الناتو معنا حتى لو ارتكبنا إبادة جماعية نظيفة ضد الأكراد
طلب النظام الفاشستي التركي من سوريا أن تقوم الدولتان معاً بعمليات إبادة جماعية نظيفة ضد الأمة الكردية في شمال سوريا.
أخبر ضابط سوري لا يريد الكشف عن اسمه الاجتماعات التي عقدتها روسيا بين تركيا وسوريا في روسيا.
كان لدى عضو الناتو اقتراح مريض تماما للنظام السوري.
طالب أحد الضباط الأتراك سوريا حتى يتمكنوا معًا من القيام بعملية تطهير عرقي بحت في المنطقة العسكرية السورية من جهة والجيش التركي من ناحية أخرى يمكنهم معًا تطهير الشعب الكردي في المنطقة وقتل جميع الأكراد ، حيث يمكننا معًا تطهير الأكراد في هذا قال مناطق الوفد التركي في روسيا الذي اجتمع مع الجيش السوري
قال الضابط السوري إنه ليس من السهل على العالم الخارجي أن يتصرف ضدنا إذا كنا سنفعل ذلك ، فسيكون ذلك مشكلة فقط.
قال الوفد التركي أننا مع حلف الناتو ولا نعتقد أن العالم الخارجي يمكنه أن يرد علينا وكان لدينا علاقات جيدة مع الولايات المتحدة أيضًا مع الاتحاد الأوروبي. أجاب الوفد السوري حتى يمكنك أن تفعل مع شعبك وليس مع الشعب السوري ، ضحك الوفد التركي وقال أنك لا تفكر في الشعب السوري إذا كنت لا تفكر كما كنت اليوم ، لقد خلقت مشاكل بالنسبة لنا ، ليس فقط بالنسبة لك ، تعرف يعيش أكثر من 3 ملايين لاجئ سوري في تركيا.
قال وفد النظام السوري إن ما حدث لذلك ربما يحدث في يوم من الأيام نفس الشيء الذي لا يعرفه أحد.
لدى تركيا خبرة في كيفية القيام بالإبادة الجماعية ضد الأمة الأخرى. تركيا 1909 حتي 1915 جعلت الإبادة الجماعية ضد الشعب الأرمني ، قتل الأتراك أكثر من مليون ونصف المليون أرمني

Turks have made as genocide against the Kurds and Armenian in Turkey.

The Turkish government thinks that by denying the genocide committed against their Christian minorities between 1914 and 1918, it can wipe its dark past. In doing so, they claim that the genocide that brutally killed 1,500,000 Armenians, 750,000 Assyrians and 300,000 Pontic Greeks is a "fabrication of history". The overwhelming evidence and eyewitness accounts of this tragedy is testimony that these horrible crimes were committed and continuing to deny the crime only makes today's Turkish government an accomplice to the crime. Turks has been killed mor an 3 millin kurds in turkey  this is genocide aganist kurds in turkey.

Turks have made as genocide against the Kurds and Armenian  in Turkey. 

Ottoman turks Empire and the Armenian Genocide

The Ottoman turks fascist Empire was the state responsible for the Armenian Genocide. The Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1300 to 1923. It was ruled by Muslim Turks headed by the sultanate of the Osmanli/Ottoman dynasty. The Ottoman state, variously called Turkey or the Turkish Empire, was governed according to Islamic law which relegated non-Muslims to second class status by denying them basic civil rights and requiring them to pay extra taxes. This discriminatory system was institutionalized through the so-called millet system which permitted the Armenians communal autonomy as a religious minority, much as the Greeks and Jews, while depriving them from all forms of political participation.
Since the conquest of Armenia and Cilicia at the beginning of the sixteenth century, where the majority of the Armenian population in the Middle East is absorbed in Ottoman Turkey. The large size of the empire created economic opportunities for Armenians. Their presence grew significantly in the capital Constantinople and other major cities where they specialize in various commercial and manufacturing companies, and established himself as a purveyor of European trade with the East. Turkish administration in the more remote provinces of Armenia, but stretched from the exploitative to oppressive. The competition for land, encouraged where lived Kurdish, Armenian with various other nationalities in eastern Anatolia as brother without a problem, but the Ottoman regime hated Armenian people even Kurdish people at that time everyone had not thought about that today there were no schools or training people thought once what others say or what a mullah would say something and the Turkish fascist ottmanen occupied all Armenian rural and threw out the Armenian population and their emigration from their homeland. Misrule in Armenia invited major powers to order the Sultan Abdul-Hamid (Abdul Hamit) II reform the provincial administration in accordance with the terms of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin. The abolition of the Ottoman Constitution, but predicted the official reluctance to extend equality and security. The ensuing repression prompted Armenian revolutionary activity as the Ottomans took back their treaty obligations and against international pressure to introduce meaningful reforms. Hamidian autocracy also promoted the secret Young Turk movement dedicated to the cause of overthrowing the despotic sultan. from the Ottoman Turkish fascist yet to have killed more than three or three and a half million Kurds in Turkey Turks not only did genocide against Armenians they have done against the Kurds also.
The decline of Turkish power and the steady territorial losses in the face of Balkan revolts and Russian military advances isolated the Armenians in a precarious situation. To firmly secure and perpetuate Turkish rule in the remaining territories of the Ottoman state, Abdul-Hamid initiated a program of demographic and political consolidation through the mass slaughter of vast numbers of Armenians beginning in 1894. By so doing he also restricted the economic role of the Armenians, a program which enjoyed popular support among the Turks. In the face of international condemnation, and despite changes in government, the Hamidian policies were applied with regularity over the course of the next thirty years. In a series of genocidal massacres repeated in 1895-1896, 1909, 1915-1918, and 1920-1922, the Armenian population of Turkey was annihilated. The Armenian, also called Hamidian, massacres of 1894-1896 affected all of historic Armenia and Constantinople. The 1909 or Adana massacre devastated Cilicia. The combined deportations and massacres during World War I acquired the dimensions of total genocide and was implemented by the Young Turks who had removed Abdul-Hamid from the throne in 1909. The atrocities between 1920-1922 were committed by the Nationalist Turks who seized power in the Anatolian hinterland in the final years of the Ottoman Empire and created the Turkish Republi
Most of these massacres were carried out with impunity and the majority of criminal offenders escaped prosecution. Only in the aftermath of its defeat in World War I did the Ottoman government indict the Young Turk leaders responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Through a series of military tribunals and parliamentarian investigations convened between 1919 and 1921 in Constantinople, the covert planning, secret organization, and brutal implementation of policies designed to destroy the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire were uncovered. The evidence was presented in courts-martial and guilty verdicts handed down, confirming the mass scale state-sponsored policy of extermination. The post-war government, however, balked at carrying out the sentences and the tribunals were closed under pressure from the Nationalist.
In 1915 Armenians lived in all the major cities of the Ottoman Empire, Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Kharpert, Sivas, Trebizond, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Izmir, Bursa, Edirne, and many others. By 1923 the Armenian population of Turkey had been reduced to those living in Constantinople. Armenians had participated in all aspects of Ottoman life and had made major contributions to Turkish commerce, industry, architecture, and even music. Yet, in the final analysis, the centuries of Turkish rule resulted in the utter ruin of historic Armenia, the expulsion of the Armenians from Asiatic Turkey and the permanent exile of surviving Armenians. The net effect of the Ottoman era is summed up then in the violent transformation of historic Armenia into Turkey.
Turks have made as genocide against the Kurds and Armenian in Turkey
from 1915 until even the Turks killed daily Kurdish young even older still genocide against the Kurds in Turkey. Turks have killed many Kurdish leaders who wanted the cultural freedom to his nation Saied reza Shekh Saied piran and many others from 1984 yet there is a whole war between Kurds and Turkish fascist regime that does not want to respect Kurdish rights in Turkey, in 1999 the Turks have paid more than $ 140 million in order to seize Abdulah Ocalan and the Turkish fascist politicians thought about them would arrest Ocalan Kurdish movement become final and they can sleep so nice and warm, but they have arrested Ocalan, but Kurdish movement became stronger and stronger than before, if we were to go back a little bit, the Turkish military attacked Cyprus and killed lots of children and the elderly, it is also genocide against the people of Cyprus occupation of Cyprus by the Turkish government will not the world forget this massacre .. Sincerely kermashani

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