human rights watch

tisdag 15 december 2020

in 1979 came an idiotic man who called himself khomeini he promised lots of things that electricity


in 1979 came an idiotic man who called himself khomeini he promised lots of things that electricity should be free bus travel would be free., but what happened when the idiot took power everything turned upside down, he started executing people open streets.  hundreds of people were imprisoned hundreds of girls were raped by khomeinei supporters, everything went crazy in the Iranian streets many were forced to flee the country, when khomeinei sent out their terrorists to kill those who fled from iran as many were murdered in iraq, pakistan, turkey also in  France and Germany.  khomeinei was a bloodthirsty man he sometimes loved to drink blood and he gave words to his supporters so as to only kill Iranian opposition members..terror in paris, terror in berlin, terror in geneva, terror in italy terror in holand.  in 1988 the khmeinei gave word to its terrorist supporters killing more than 30,000 people in an hour #samuelkermashani

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