human rights watch

tisdag 15 december 2020

who is Qasem soleimani the iranian terrorist man. Qasem soleimani was the leader of the terrorist group


who is Qasem soleimani the iranian terrorist man.  Qasem soleimani was the leader of the terrorist group qude's forces.  he along with nuri al maliki murdered more than 350,000 iraqi suni muslims that means Qasem soleimani was a war criminal Qasem soleimani committed  for crimes against humanity in syria and iraq āven in iran.  Qasem soleimani killed many Iranians in 2009 during protests against the Iranian regime.  as information we have received qasem soleimani traded with isis between 2013 to 2017 qasem soleimani sold weapons to isis also as eyewitness told qasem soleimani had secret meeting with isis leader in musol. also year 2017 QASEM soliemani with abu mhadi terrorist killed many kurdish children in tuskhormatos and kerkuk .  #ayatollahcorona_viruses

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