human rights watch

torsdag 10 mars 2022

Regarding the war in Ukraine, I think I have written a brief analysis. those who send weapons to Ukraine just like Russia for the Ukrainian people. Because those who send weapons to Ukraine and do not think about peace themselves become a cause of increasing the crisis in Ukraine


Regarding the war in Ukraine, I think I have written a brief analysis. those who send weapons to Ukraine just like Russia for the Ukrainian people. Because those who send weapons to Ukraine and do not think about peace themselves become a cause of increasing the crisis in Ukraine.

I am with the women and men of Ukraine.  I have posted on my website that the people and people of Ukraine have fallen victim to the interests of the West and Russia.  Nothing should have been done to provoke Putin and impose a bloody war on the Ukrainian people, and today the Ukrainian people must pay an incomprehensible ransom to their president.  Because there was still room for talk that the Ukrainian president was deceived by the West and provoked Russia to invade Ukraine, and now Ukrainian men and women have taken up arms to defend their homeland to fight against Russia, but because of this misfortune.  It was the misguided and stupid policy of their president that he could not balance like a political actor and convince both Russia and the West.  Now that the war has begun, people's homes have been destroyed and people displaced. Ukrainian children are being killed by the cold and under the bomb..Zealous Ukrainian men move NLAW anti-tank missiles made in #Sweden in civilian vehicles

If the President of Ukraine was a wise and prudent person, he would at least care about his nation and do a lot of things for the benefit of his people and nation, not that coercion and a few stupid fools will applaud him for becoming a hero, and the Ukrainian people are getting miserable day by day. And becomes more displaced.Ukraine war destroying country Only countries with criminal history benefit from this devastating war.Sending weapons to Ukraine is not and has not been in the interest of the Ukrainian people, but against the Ukrainian people and for the destruction of the Ukrainian people.

It is not too late for the President of Ukraine to want to end the war and come to terms with Russia and sign a peace agreement with Russia.

New shipments of Javelin missiles, NLAWs and AT-4 rocket launchers were delivered to the Ukrainian army.

The escalation of the crisis is not in the interest of the Ukrainian people. More than anything, the Ukrainian people need peace and stability rather than heroism and destructive war.

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