America warned Ankara about the expansion of economic relations between Turkey and Russia
The Portland Trail Blazers, the team of Israeli basketball player Deni Avdija, lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers by a score of 122-111 on Tuesday nig...
The Portland Trail Blazers, the team of Israeli basketball player Deni Avdija, lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers by a score of 122-111 on Tuesday nig...
Beating a political prisoner in Semnan prison
An exiled political prisoner who is serving his sentence in Semnan prison was beaten by one of the prison officials.
Erdogan committed for crimes against humanity in Northern Syria ,, The Turkish regime's drone attacked a children's home in Northern Syria and killed several children in this children's home there were more than 100 children
Likud party is a good idea for the Israeli people safety and security, I think that Israeli good people will vote the majority for Likud party, because today the Israeli people need security and safety and I think Likud is the best way to get a complete security for Israeli people the future
The terrorist attacks in Moscow yesterday
The West has changed its tactics against Russia, this time they want to use terror attacks inside Russia to kill Russian important men who play a role in the Russian political and military estrategi tactics, bomb explosion in Moscow yesterday it can be pointed to a whole war, And terror plan's location is Azerbaijan and Turkey where they send terrorists to do their job in Russia. It's called terror against terror...Those who carried out the terrorist attacks in Russia traveled with Turkish diplomatic permission
Extremist Islamists and ignorant terrorists in Iran attack women every day on the streets of Iran. You can still see in the video that these ignorant, mentally retarded stoners attack women under the name of superstitious Islamic hijab.
81-year-old grandmother was caught with 5 kilos of heroin at the Warsaw airport
After studying the travel route and observing the pensioner's nervous behavior, airport customs and tax officials suspected a problem.
An 81-year-old Danish woman was traveling to Canada from Malawi via Kenya and Doha.
During the search of the luggage, the agents found a double bottom, and from the hiding place they took out four bags of a beige substance with a grain concentration, which the check showed was heroin. On the black market, the find is worth more than $500,000. It is possible that he is an accomplice of the mullahs
Finland's Prime Minister Senna Marin (bottom left in black top) has been embroiled in a new scandal for her excessive love of parties. Especially when the citizens of his country are as far from fun as he is.
The United Nations is not a place for terrorists and murderers of political prisoners.
#88 Massacre
Ebrahim Raisi is a terrorist and war criminal, he committed crimes against humanity in Iran
ebrahim raisi is a war criminal committed for crimes against humanity in iran should be tried in the usa and should be arrested he participated in the murder of 30000 people in 1988
Political prisoner Saeed Qadirzadeh committed suicide in prison due to the inhumane behavior of prison officers against female prisoners in Urmia prison. The other female prisoners prevented him from committing suicide.
Sexual assault of a mosque attendant on seven children in Qom and implementation of Islam in a mosque, rape of 7 children in Qom.
Reviving diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel, Turkey's Shalem Korem is looking for help to attack the Kurdish forces, and this time he has taken refuge in the door of the Israeli government, calling Erdogan a liar. We urge the Israeli government not to help Turkey against the Kurdish movement. also we call on the israeli people to demand the israeli politicians not to believe in erdogan who is a fox game.
Exercise and walking give good results for health, now a new virus appears that can be dangerous for humans, this virus comes from animals and can damage the brain.
Iranian regime via their news has acknowledged terror attack against salman rushdie. confession came via kyhan newspaper which is close to khamenei's house also this com from jamjam newspaper
Why are Middle Eastern parties, especially Kurdish parties like the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran and the two parts of Kume Leh, reluctant to acknowledge their past and their mistakes?
We strongly condemn Terror attack against salman rushdie, it means this religion should be classified as psychopathy
Salman Rushdie's assassination was ordered by the bloodthirsty Khamenei
Achtung niemals Waren von türkischen Shops in Deutschland kaufen, die meisten Waren von türkischen Shops sind abgelaufen, aber sie haben dann andere Daten auf der Ware und verkaufen sie an Leute, wegen der alten Ware sind viele magenkrank geworden. Kaufen Sie auch niemals Dünen in türkischen Restaurants. Alle türkischen Restaurants sind dreckig
تحذير أبدا من شراء البضائع من المحلات التركية في ألمانيا ، فمعظم البضائع من المحلات التركية انتهت صلاحيتها ، لكنهم بعد ذلك تمور أخرى على البضائع وبيعها للناس ، بسبب البضائع القديمة التي أصاب الكثير منها أمراض المعدة. كما لا تشتري أبدًا الكثبان الرملية من المطاعم التركية ، فجميع المطاعم التركية متسخة
Hişyarî tu carî ji dikanên tirkan ên li Almanyayê eşyayan nakirin, piraniya eşyayên dikanên tirkan dema wan derbas bûye, lê dûvre tarîxên din li ser eşyayên din û difiroşin mirovan, ji ber wan kelûpelên kevn gelek nexweş ketine. her weha qet dun ji restoranên tirkan nekirin hemû xwaringehên tirkan qirêj in.
ئاگاداری هەرگیز کەلوپەل لە دوکانەکانی تورکیا مەکڕن لە ئەڵمانیا زۆربەی کاڵاکانی دوکانەکانی تورکیا بەروارەکەیان بەسەرچووە، بەڵام ئەوان دواتر خورمای تر لەسەر کاڵاکان و بەخەڵک دەفرۆشن، بەهۆی ئەوانەوە کاڵای کۆن زۆریان تووشی نەخۆشی گەدە بوون. هەروەها هەرگیز دون لە چێشتخانە تورکییەکان مەکڕن هەموو چێشتخانە تورکییەکان پیسن
Religion is a tool for the massacre of opponents, Khomeini said, Islam came with bloodshed, therefore under the name of Hussein and the enemies of Hussein, the opponents of the system are called the enemies of Hussein and they easily massacre the opponents, therefore, enlightenment about the nature of religion is necessary.
Today, religious shopkeepers in Iran use religion as a tool to kill dissenters and freedom seekers. Today, religion has reached the peak of insanity, and the foundation of this insanity must be recognized and eradicated.
دین ابزاری برای قتلعام مخالفان خمینی گفت اسلام با خون ریزی آمده بنابر این زیر نام حسین و دشمنان حسین مخالفان نظام را دشمنان حسین مینامند و راحت مخالفین را قتلعام میکنند بنابر این روشنگری در باره ماهیت مذهب ضروریست.
امروز دکان داران دین در ایران از دین بعنوان ابزاری و برای قتل دگر اندیشان و آزادی خواهان به کار میبرند امروز مذهب به اوج جنون رسیده و باید پایه ای این جنون را شناخت و خشک کرد
Hello caroline wikensjö I have actually read your insanity and hysterical contemptuous letters that you sent me. I carefully read your insane letter. Unfortunately, your letter contained insults and humiliation.
The war between Israel and the Palestinians continues at the request of the leader of the terrorist army of quds Ismail Aqani, Palestinian terrorists attacked Israel
Transfer of Fatima Davand from the Turkish deportation camp to an unknown location
Transfer of Fatima Davand from the Turkish deportation camp to an unknown location
The Iranian terrorist group Quds Force 840 well organized itself in Sweden, especially in Varmländ. several of them collaborate with the Zandeshti and Regabadi drug mafias. we have asked them good people to investigate since you can see information about them.
Kennen Sie diesen verräterischen Jash in der Zanko nach dem Namen Burhan Jash der türkischen Spionageagentur und der Linie des Verrats Barzani. Er verbreitet eine Menge falscher Propaganda gegen die kurdische Bewegung, er schreibt gefälschte Nachrichten über kurdische Guerillas – er verbreitet eine Menge davon Lügenpropaganda gegen die kurdische Bewegung, er schreibt gefälschte Nachrichten über kurdische Guerillas, nach einer Untersuchung sind alle gefälschten Nachrichten von Zanko Burhan über die kurdische Bewegung gefälscht und er leidet an starkem Wahnsinn, er wurde vergewaltigt, als er ein kleines Kind in der Schule in Kurdistan war von seinem Onkel.
Zanko Burhan sendet gefälschte Nachrichten. Alles, was Zanko Burhan schreibt, ist gefälscht. Glauben Sie dieser verrückten Person niemals.
Das ist die Telefonnummer von diesem Jash
Ich bin kein Mitglied der PKK und ich bin kein Unterstützer von ihr, aber jeder, der ein Arschloch ist und die Propaganda des Feindes verbreitet, ist sicherlich ein Arschloch und ein Verräter
Know this traitorous jash in the zanko after the name of Burhan jash of the Turkish spy agency and the line of treachery Barzani.he spreads a lot of false propaganda against Kurdish movement, he writes fake news about Kurdish guerillas--he spreads a lot of lying propaganda against kurdish movement, he writes fake news about kurdish guerillas, after investigation all Zanko burhan's fake news about kurdish movement is fake and he suffers from strong mental like insanity he was raped when he was a little kid in school in kurdistan by his uncle
Zanko burhan is sending fake news everything Zanko burhan writes is fake never believe this madness person
This is the phone number of this jash
I am not a member of the PKK and I am not a supporter of them, but anyone who is a jash and spreads the propaganda of the enemy is certainly a jash and a traitor
Ali Rizvani, the Gestapo torturer of the criminal mullahs, and Amina Sadat Zabihpour, the torturer. The day of revenge is near in the uniform of special journalists of the Intelligence Corps
They participate in the torture of prisoners in Iran, Ali Rizvani and Amina Sadat Zabihpour they are journalists of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Service.
They participate in the torture of prisoners in Iran, Ali Rizvani and Amina Sadat Zabihpour, they are journalists of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Service. They directly participate in the torture against women and men who protesting for their rights in Iran when people are arrested by the Iranian regime's dictatorial barbaric insanity mullah forces. Ali Rizvani and Amina Sadat Zabihpour they are called by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to interrogate the people directly in the Iranian the regime's prison
The torture regime of Islamic madness has made a television show of Mrs. Sepideh Reshnou under torture, whose marks of torture are visible on her head and face.It is inhumane and immoral to take fear-inducing drugs and torture for confession
The regime of the Islamic Republic of Madness in Iran continues to confess under torture like in the 1980s. This system is rotten and rotten, but stupid people still support this bad smell system, and the opposition has been stagnant for years and does not bring about a change that will stir up the people.that the nation also rise up and overthrow the regime of Islamic insanity regime.
Broadcasting the report of Ameena Sadat Zabihpour, an intelligence officer of the IRGC, journalist of the Islamic Republic of Madness Radio and Television, about the incident of the fight in the bus and the expression of remorse of Sepideh Reshnou, the girl who protested the mandatory hijab in this report, provoked a wave of protests by social media users against forced confessions in front of the camera. Is.
A source in Saudi Arabia revealed that Joe Biden does not trust his alliances, such as the EU and other countries, because Joe Biden had a secret meeting with the Saudi king and said you should be ready between 3 and 5 months, many refugees from European countries will seek asylum in the middle east.
Joe biden's behavior seems that he does not believe in the US alliance, and he is unsure whether the EU would help the US against Russia, and China or not, because many countries have good secret relations with Russia except Scandinavian countries.
The same source said that Mr. Joe Biden is at a crossroads, he does not know whether to go directly to war or not.
Because today Russia is not alone there are China, North Korea and India also some countries in South America that already became Russian alliance. and after the Iraq war, the Arab world no longer believes in the United States. today revealed this source via the same time biden has said the democratic world today is in danger.
Erdogan has asked NATO for help against the Kurdish movement,
But he did not think that there is another door that can be used and that is so that the Turkish regime can open dialogue with the PKK and get more democracy in Turkey.
Also stop treating Kurds as he wants, if there is no problem in Turkey then pkk does not exist, it means that there is a racist treatment against the Kurds in Turkey because the Kurds were forced to arm themselves for self-defense.
Turkey has never thought of political solutions regarding Kurdish issues, the Turks only think of military solutions and it does not give good results, on the contrary pkk has always asked about dialogue with turkey pkk has never once closed the doors of dialogue, it is turkey that has always closed the doors of dialogue and think wrong and so try to solve with military solutions which are wrong
People rang the doorbell of the house yesterday afternoon, the child answered until I came to see who they were and I went outside, but the hidden camera that we have installed captured their images clearly.
Gestern Nachmittag klingelten die Leute an der Tür des Hauses, das Kind antwortete, bis ich kam, um zu sehen, wer sie waren, und ich ging nach draußen, aber die versteckte Kamera, die wir installiert hatten, nahm ihre Bilder deutlich auf.
In Saint Petersburg, Russia is exhibiting its submarine force exercise, this time with nuclear missiles.
In this sea exercise, which was held a few kilometers away from Sweden and Finland, Russia displayed all kinds of modern plastic atomic missiles.
Today is 2022.08.03 the same day of 2014.08.03 the islamic brutal terror group isis attacked Shengal, sanjar and kurdish yazidis and made the genocide against yazidi, those terrorists took thousands of girls.
many of iraqi officials flee the country iranian regime sends forces and attacks iraqi protests iranian
Mercenaries of the Iranian regime attack the Iraqi demonstrators and many people are injured and killed
The beating of Iraqi youth by mercenaries of the Islamic Republic..Sending troops to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq
Local media write that most of the top officials have already left the country
US operation killed al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahri: Report
Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahri speaks from an unknown location, in this still image taken from video uploaded on a social media website June 8, 2011. (File photo: Reuters)
A CIA drone strike has killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri in Afghanistan, according to five people familiar with the matter.