human rights watch

söndag 7 augusti 2022

Hello caroline wikensjö I have actually read your insanity and hysterical contemptuous letters that you sent me. I carefully read your insane letter. Unfortunately, your letter contained insults and humiliation.


Hello caroline wikensjö I have actually read your insanity and hysterical contemptuous letters that you sent me. I carefully read your insane letter. Unfortunately, your letter contained insults and humiliation.

One of the tactics of the social worker in Sweden is that if you protest against an unjust thing, they will direct a false and imaginary accusation against you, and they will direct all kinds of insults, insults, contempt and abuse against you. They will play doctor fake gameplays against you,

At the same time your colleagues rejected my financial application I have applied for me not for the children and wife.

I have saved and can contact a TV channel to come and read everything that I talked to you is in a video, can be published for people to decide what is wrong and what is right.

In the behavior and speech of Caroline and her colleagues who accuse others, it is clear that they themselves suffer from this type of mental illness. We have an important social example, that is, a sick person had a headache and thought in his mind that the whole world like him and his group all have headaches.

I have written before that we have two types of dictatorship system, one is a physical dictatorship and the other goes under the name of democracy, but its essence is a mental and psychological dictatorship. Whenever someone mentions or reveals something sensitive, the psychological dictatorship system accuses the whistleblower by hiding the event accusations and determination of the crimes that have taken place.

 You have insulted and despised me for years and I am interpreted as racist insanity and hysterical as part of the staff who suffer from and at the same time have contact with Iranian agents.

I have not threatened anyone in 2016, there was a bruise on the child's back, there is also video that the children were very afraid of the ayatollah's followers who worked at this preschool, there are recorded videos on the same day that I spoke with Imad alamadi.

since I have recorded both video and voice everything that I talked even discussed with you.

There is a letter on April 23, 2018 from Madeleine Olsson sent to Jenny who worked at the children's preschool, that they should treat the children extra because father and mother get angry, so you report the children because we take the children out of the family.

The letter signed by Madeleine Olsson in 2018, 04 23 a Monday Mogron we could take the letter and the letter is already on the website.

first go and investigate why Amir and Fariba were killed?

Go investigate the boy who was raped in the same preschool in 2018

I understand you that you actually suffer from strong paranoid because you sit and think about what people think about Islamists and agents of the Iranian regime.

I understand your imagination and insanity experience you sell children to buy houses a social worker from Norrköping was revealed that the social service gives words to preschools to torture children then a made up and insanity investigations are opened then they take the child from the family... I decided to publish all conversations that had with you mvh samuel

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