human rights watch

onsdag 10 augusti 2022

China and Russia agreed to form a new alliance military, economic and political


China and Russia agreed to form a new alliance military, economic and political

China and Russia have entered a period of most successful interstate relations, said China's Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui

📌 China understands that the US wants a protracted conflict in Ukraine in order to weaken Russia;

📌 Russia and China will uphold the principle of fighting power politics;

📌 The United States set out to play the "Taiwan card" at all costs to contain China;

📌 China is aware of the spread of the US in other countries of the theory of "indeterminate status of Taiwan";

📌 The US must confirm that it does not support the so-called independence of Taiwan;

📌 The collective West is copying the Ukrainian scenario in the Taiwan issue;

📌 The US will face a crushing defeat if it interferes with China's internal goals.

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