human rights watch

söndag 20 november 2022

The occupying fascist and racist republic of Turkey has committed a mass killing in the north and east of Syria. Last night, different areas from the outskirts of Afrin to Qandil and Assos in southern Kurdistan were the scene of Turkish war crimes. At least 14 people have been massacred in Rojava.


The occupying fascist and racist republic of Turkey has committed a mass killing in the north and east of Syria. Last night, different areas from the outskirts of Afrin to Qandil and Assos in southern Kurdistan were the scene of Turkish war crimes. At least 14 people have been massacred in Rojava. The Syrian Democratic Forces say they will avenge the martyrs. The racist Turkish government started a self-made conspiracy to prevent an alliance between the Kurds and the Turks of that country. Turkey has a lot of fear and panic at its door when it sees that in Iran all Iranian nationalities have united against the regime of Iranian mullahs.

The Turkish government is based on 3 things: Racism, Fascist thinking, Massacre, which is a crime

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