human rights watch

lördag 3 februari 2018

Testimony from Afrin: "They just shoot, shoot and shoot"

Testimony from Afrin: "They just shoot, shoot and shoot"

The Turkish military offensive against the Kurdish enclave in northern Syria has now lasted for two weeks.

According to the independent London-based Syrian human rights observatory, over 70 civilians have been killed so far.

Fehmi Abou, who is in the area, is talking about massive attacks, especially from Turkish fighter aircraft.

- They just fly and bombs and cannons. They just shoot, shoot and shoot people, says Fehmi Abou, from the nearby enclave Afrin, in northwest Syria.

He lived in Sweden for over ten years before returning to his home town Afrin just over two years ago when Kurdish forces took control of the area and it was calm.

But since the Turkish offensive two weeks ago, Afrin has turned into one of the worst warfare in Syria right now.

Intensive fighting is taking place along the boundaries of the enclave between Kurdish YPG forces and Turkish military, which also mobilized various Syrian militia groups.

Fehmi Abou tells of indiscriminate attacks, no later than the day before, when a city in the vicinity is attacked by the combat plan.

- Yesterday they shot against a city called Khalidiye, he says.

Schools are closed and there is a lack of medicines, says Abou, and also testifies to fear that the enclaves will be taken over by Protrucian Jihadists or the Syrian regime.

On Wednesday, France warned Turkey to invade the area, but it was dismissed by Turkey claiming that they only fight terrorist threats against their own territory.

At the same time, the United States supports the curse-dominated YPG, which has long been fighting for the terrorist group IS in Syria.

UN Envoy Jan Egeland appeals for ceasefire in both Afrin and elsewhere and has called the worst Syria situation.

In the village outside Afrin, Fehmi Abou has often saved the family and escape the escape from the outdoors.

- You can hide among the trees, in the woods. Nature helps us, he says

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